Our institute. We study anatomy. How i got my certificate of health. The working day of a district doctor. At the chemist’s. Classes in therapy. At the surgical department, страница 4

  1. a limb: the left limb; the right limb; the limbs of the human body.
  2. an extremity: the upper extremity; the lower extremity; a man has an upper extremity; the leg is a lower extremity.
  3. a forehead: the forehead is one of the parts of the face; the eyes are under the forehead; a wide (широкий) forehead; a narrow (узкий) forehead.
  4. a mouth: in the mouth; open your mouth; close your mouth; breathe through the nose but not through the mouth.
  5. a tongue: the tongue is in the mouth; the tongue is the organ of speech [`spi:ʧ]; a coated (обложенный) tongue.
  6. a palate: a soft palate; a hard (твёрдый) palate; the hard palate is in the upper part of the mouth.
  7. a heart: the heart beats; the heart makes beats; the heart is in the chest; the heart is an internal organ.
  8. to breathe: to breathe deeply [`di:pli] (глубоко); he breathes deeply; we breathe with the lungs; don’t breathe; breathe in, please; breathe out.
  9. a stomach: in the stomach; the stomach is an internal organ; the gullet connects the stomach with the mouth.
  10. an intestine: the intestines; a small intestine; a large intestine; the intestines are in the abdominal cavity.
  11. an injury: a bad injury; to have injuries; to get an injury; to protect from injuries; the injury of the forearm; the hip injury.
  12. a shoulder: the left shoulder; the right shoulder; the shoulder connects the upper extremity with the chest; we have two shoulders.
  13. a thumb: the left thumb; the right thumb; the thumb is one of the fingers on the hand.
  14. a knee: the left knee; the right knee; the knee is a part of the leg.
  15. a calf: the calf of the left leg; the calf of the right leg; a man has two calves.
  16. an ear: a man has two ears; we hear with the ears; the external ear; the middle ear; the internal ear.


  1. How many intestines do you have?
  2. What do we breathe with?
  3. Where are our eyes?
  4. What protects the body from injury?
  5. What covers the body?
  6. How many beats does the heart make?
  7. What do we speak with?
  8. What is the organ of hearing?
  9. What do we think with?
  10. How many teeth do you have?
  11. Is the liver an internal or an external organ?
  12. Is the hand an upper or a lower extremity?


      Живот; полость; сердце; мышца; орган; череп; лоб; скелет; кожа; туловище; желудок; язык; селезёнка; печень; мочевой пузырь; желчный пузырь; грудная клетка; конечность; рука; нога; локоть; предплечье; запястье; лодыжка; икра ноги; колено; ступня; пищевод (глотка); бедро; десна; нёбо; плечо; зубы; кости.

      Защищать; состоять из; соединять(ся); сокращать(ся); покрывать; содержать (вмещать); дышать; биться (совершать удары); поддерживать.

      Практические занятия по Анатомии; тело человека; основные части; верхние конечности; нижние конечности; наружное ухо; внутреннее ухо; верхняя губа; верхняя часть туловища; главные (основные) органы брюшной полости; мягкие части тела; каждая рука; большой палец руки.

      Изучать тело человека; состоять из двух частей; вмещать мозг; соединять голову с туловищем; дышать легкими; сердце сокращается; совершать 60-80 ударов в минуту; поддерживать мягкие части тела человека; защищать органы от повреждений; покрывать тело; соединять верхнюю конечность с грудной клеткой.

      Во рту; в грудной клетке; в брюшной полости; на каждой руке; десны с зубами; на практических занятиях по Анатомии; основные части тела человека.


  1. ___ the practical Anatomy classes we study the human body.
  2. The principle parts ___ the human body are the head, the trunk and the limbs.
  3. The head consists ___ two parts: the skull ___ the face.
  4. The ear consists ___ three principle parts.
  5. ___ the mouth we have gums ___ teeth, a tongue ___ a palate.
  6. The neck connects the head ___ the trunk.
  7. The upper part ___ the trunk is the chest.
  8. We breathe ___ the lungs.
  9. The heart contracts and makes 60 – 80 beats ___ minute.
  10. The skeleton protects the organs ___ the injury.
  11. The shoulder connects the upper limb ___ the chest.
  12. We have four fingers ___ a thumb ___ each hand.


  1. In the ___ ___ classes we study the human body.
  2. The principle parts of the human body are ___.
  3. The head consists of two parts: ___.
  4. The skull contains the ___.
  5. The face consists of ___.
  6. The ear consists of three principle parts: ___.
  7. The mouth has two lips: ___.
  8. In the mouth we have ___.
  9. The neck connects ___ with ___.
  10. The upper part of the trunk is ___.
  11. ___ part of the trunk is the abdomen.
  12. The principle organs in the chest are ___.
  13. We breathe with ___.
  14. The heart contracts and makes ___.
  15. The principle organs in the abdominal cavity are ___.
  16. The skeleton supports ___.
  17. It protects the organs from ___.
  18. The muscles cover ___.
  19. The shoulder connects ___ with ___.
  20. Each arm consists of ___.
  21. The lower extremity consists of ___.
  22. The skin covers ___.


  1. What do medical students study in the practical Anatomy classes?
  2. What are the principle parts of the human body?
  3. How many parts does the head consist of?
  4. What does the skull contain?
  5. What does the face consist of?
  6.  What are the principle parts of the ear?
  7. Where are gums with teeth?
  8. What connects the trunk with the head?
  9. What is the upper part of the trunk?
  10. What is the lower part of the trunk?
  11. What are the principle organs in the chest?
  12. What are the principle organs in the abdominal cavity?
  13. What does the skeleton protect the organs from?
  14. What covers the bones?
  15. What does each arm consist of?
  16. What does the lower extremity consist of?
  17. What covers the body?