Our institute. We study anatomy. How i got my certificate of health. The working day of a district doctor. At the chemist’s. Classes in therapy. At the surgical department, страница 14

            That day an ambulance brought a young woman, 27 years of age. She complained of a severe pain in the right lower part of her abdomen. She was examined by the gynaecologist first and then by the surgeon. The doctor made the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. As acute appendicitis is extremely dangerous to life, the surgeon directed the woman to the department of urgent surgery to be operated on at once. It was necessary to remove the appendix immediately in order to prevent peritonitis with a fatal outcome.

            The next day we visited the traumatological department. We saw there how the doctors and nurses set the fractured bones and put them in plaster of Paris for immobilization. We learnt that closed and simple fractures of extremities healed quicker than open and compound ones.

            One day we acquainted ourselves with the work of the dressing – room. As we had to assist the doctor in putting dressings we were told how to prepare our hands. First of all, we bared our arms above the elbow, scrubbed our hands for 10 minutes with soap and brushed them under hot running water. After that we put on sterile rubber gloves.

            The first patient brought to the dressing – room was a man who had been operated on for acute suppurative appendicitis. His post – operative condition was good. The surgeon took off the outer bandage first. Then he examined the wound in the patient’s abdomen and took out the gauze drain soaked with pus. After having washed the edges of the wound the surgeon administered the solution of antibiotics into the wound and introduced a fresh gauze drain. After that I was allowed to put a new outer bandage on the wound. Shortly after that the surgeon was called to the operating room. The ambulance brought a patient with a severe profuse abdominal bleeding. It required an urgent operation. Though the case was very serious we hoped that the patient would survive the operation well. When we are the 4th year students, we’ll be allowed to be present at the operations.

            After our practical classes at the surgical department few of us want to become surgeons. Because we know now how difficult and responsible this profession is.


1.  acute


1.  острый


2.  to administer


2.  вводить, давать (лекарство)


3.  antibiotic(s)


3.  антибиотик(и)


4.  appendicitis


4.  аппендицит


5.  to bare

·  to bare arms below the elbow


5.  оголить

·  засучить рукава


6.  bleeding


6.  кровотечение


7.  careful


7.  осторожный


8.  to be careful in handling patients


8.  быть осторожным при обращении с больными


9.  compound


9.  сложный


10.  dangerous


10.  опасный


·  to be dangerous for smb

·  to be dangerous to smth

·  быть опасным для к-л

·  быть опасным для ч-л

11.  to discharge from


11.  выписывать из


12.  dressing


12.  повязка


13.  dressing-room

[`dresıŋ – ru:m]

13.  перевязочная


14.  edge


14.  край


15.  extremely


15.  крайне


16.  fatal outcome

[`feıtəl  `autkʌm]

16.  смертельный исход


17.  gauze drain

[`gɔ:z  `dreın]

17.  марлевый тампон


18.  to harm


18.  вредить


19.  to heal


19.  заживать (о ране)


20.  hospital gown

[`hɔspıtəl   `gaun]

20.  больничный халат


21.  in order to


21.  чтобы


22.  to introduce


22.  вводить


23.  immediately


23.  немедленно


24.  immobilization


24.  иммобилизация


25.  operating-room

[ɔpe`reıtıŋ  `ru:m]

25.  операционная


·  to be operated on for some disease

·  быть прооперирован­ным по поводу к – л бо­лезни


26.  outer bandage

[`autə  `bændıʤ]

26.  наружная повязка


27.  peritonitis


27.  перитонит


28.  plaster of Paris

·  to put in plaster of Paris

[`pla:stə  əf  `pærıs]

28.  гипс

·  наложить гипс


29.  post-operative


29.  послеоперационный


30.  profuse


30.  обильный, сильный


31.  to prevent


31.  предотвращать


32.  pus


32.  гной


33.  to remove


33.  удалять


34.  responsible


34.  ответственный


35.  rubber gloves

[`rʌbə  `glʌvz]

35.  резиновые перчатки


36.  rubdown


36.  обтирание


37.  rupture


37.  разрыв


38.  to set (set, set)

·  to set a fractured bone


[`frækʧəd  `bɔun]

38.  вправлять                                

·  вправить перелом кости


39.  to soak with


39.  пропитывать чем-л


40.  solution


40.  раствор


41.  sterile


41.  стерильный


42.  suppurative


42.  гнойный


43.  surgeon


43.  хирург


44.  surgery


44.  хирургия


45.  to survive


45.  перенести, выжить


46.  to take off

[`teık  ɔf]

46.  снимать (повязку)


47.  to take out

[`teık  aut]

47.  вынимать (тампон)


48.  traumatological


48.  травматологический


49.  to undress


49.  раздеть


50.  urgent


50.  срочный


51.  to wheel a patient on a stretcher – cart

[`wi:l  ə  peıʃənt  ɔn  ə  `streʧə  `ka:t]

51.  везти больного на каталке


52.  wound


52.  рана