Our institute. We study anatomy. How i got my certificate of health. The working day of a district doctor. At the chemist’s. Classes in therapy. At the surgical department, страница 10

At the chemist’s all drugs are kept in the drug cabinets. Every small bottle or box has a label with the name of the medicine. There are labels of three colors. White labels are stuck to indicate drugs for internal use. Yellow labels are stuck to indicate drugs for external use, and blue ones are used to indicate drugs for injections. The name of the drug, its dose and the directions for its administration are usually indicated on a signature or a label. It is necessary to avoid confusing of remedies because some of them are poisonous and their overdosage may cause untoward reactions and sometimes even death.

In the drug cabinets you can see drugs of different kinds: tablets, pills, ampules with drugs for intramuscular and intravenous injections, sedatives, tonics, laxatives, parcels with different powders, bottles with cod liver oil, tubes of healing ointments for rubbing in; vitamins, bromide, sleeping-draughts, bottles with iodine and so on.

Besides different kinds of remedies you can buy all the necessary things for medical care such as hot – water bottles and medicine droppers.

Some drugs such as mixtures have to be ordered at the prescription department. The chemist usually takes the prescription and says when the medicine will be ready. He may advise to keep the medicine in a cool place and shake it before using.


1.  to administer


1.  назначать, применять

2.  administration


2.  применение

3.  ampule


3.  ампула

4.  bromide


4.  бромид

5.  care


5.  уход, забота

6.  chemist


6.  аптекарь

7.  chemist’s


7.  аптека

8.  chemist’s department

[`kemısts  dı`pa:tmənt]

8.  отдел ручной продажи

9.  cod liver oil

[`kɔd  `lıvə  `ɔıl]

9.  рыбий жир

10.  to confuse


10.  путать, смешивать

11.  department


11.  отдел, отделение

12.  directions for  administration of a drug

[dı`rekʃn ˎædmını`streıʃn  `drʌg]

12.  указания по применению лекарства

13.  dose


13.  доза

14.  dropper


14.  пипетка

15.  drug


15.  лекарство

16.  drug cabinet

[`drʌg  `kæbınıt]

16.  шкафчик для хранения лекарств

17.  external


17.  наружный

18.  healing ointment

[`hi:lıŋ  `ɔıntmənt]

18.  лечебная мазь

19.  injection


19.  инъекция

20.  internal


20.  внутренний

21.  intramuscular


21.  внутримышечный

22.  intravenous


22.  внутривенный

23.  to indicate


23.  указывать

24.  iodine


24.  йод

25.  label


25.  этикетка

26.  laxative


26.  слабительное

27.  mixture


27.  микстура

28.  to order


28.  заказывать

29.  overdosage


29.  передозировка

30.  parcel


30.  пакетик

31.  pill


31.  пилюля

32.  poisonous


32.  ядовитый

33.  powder


33.  порошок

34.  prescription department

[prıs`krıpʃən  dı`pa:tmənt]

34.  рецептурный отдел

35.  remedy


35.  средство, лекарство

36.  right away

[`raıt ə`weı]

36.  сразу же

37.  to rub in


37.  втирать

38.  sedative


38.  успокоительное

39.  to shake


39.  встряхивать

40.  signature


40.  сигнатура

41.  sleeping-draught

[`sli:pıŋ - `dra:ft]

41.  снотворное

42.  to stick (stuck; stuck) on

[`stık]  [`stʌk; `stʌk]

42.  наклеивать на

43.  tonic


43.  тоник

44.  untoward


44.  неблагоприятный

45.  vitamin


45.  витамин


  1. to administer: to administer some drugs orally; a doctor administered a proper treatment; the administration of a drug; the directions for the administration of a drug.
  2. a prescription: prescriptions; to write out a prescription for some medicine; to order a prescription; at the prescription department.
  3. a chemist: to work as a chemist; to work at the chemist’s; to buy a medicine dropper at the chemist’s department.
  4. a label: white labels; blue labels are stuck to indicate drugs used for injections; labels of different colors; to stick a label on a bottle.
  5. poisonous: a poisonous drug; some drugs may be poisonous; poisonous remedies may cause death; doctors and nurses mustn’t confuse poisonous remedies.
  6. dose: the dose to be taken; the dose is usually indicated on a label; the indicated dose; overdosage of a drug may cause untoward reactions.
  7. healing ointment: to rub in the healing ointment; a tube of healing ointment; to buy this healing ointment at the chemist’s department.
  8. powder: the powder for internal use; powders for cough; powders for headache; take this powder three times a day.
  9. an ampule: ampules of camphor; ampules of glucose; iodine may be kept in ampules.