Our institute. We study anatomy. How i got my certificate of health. The working day of a district doctor. At the chemist’s. Classes in therapy. At the surgical department, страница 15


1.  surgical: a surgical department; the reception ward of the surgical department; a surgical wound; a surgical clinic.

2.  surgeon: an experienced surgeon; a highly skilled surgeon; surgeons.

3.  surgery: the Chair of Surgery; practical studies in Surgery; to pass the state examination in Surgery; to acquaint oneself with Surgery.

4.  appendicitis: an acute appendicitis; to be operated on for appendicitis.

5.  peritonitis: complicated by peritonitis; peritonitis may be observed; peritonitis was diagnosed.

6.  to remove: to remove a dressing; to remove a gown; to remove the appendix; to remove a foreign body.

7.  rupture: the rupture of an appendix; the rupture of some inner organ; to prevent the rupture.

8.  fatal: a fatal outcome; a fatal outcome of the disease; peritonitis with a fatal outcome.

9.  traumatological: a traumatological department; to work at a  traumatological department; to be admitted to the traumatological department.

10.  fracture: fractures; simple fractures; closed fractures; open fractures; compound fractures; the fractured bones of the extremity; the fractured bones of the extremity are set; the fractured bones of the extremity are put in plaster of Paris.

11.  immobilization: the method of immobilization; to put in plaster of Paris for immobilization.

12.  suppurative: acute suppurative appendicitis; suppurative wound; suppurative fever; suppurative ulcer.

13.  gauze: a gauze drain; a gauze bandage; to take out a gauze drain; to introduce a gauze drain; to introduce a gauze drain into the wound.

14.  to soak: to be soaked; a soaked bandage; to be soaked with blood; to be soaked with pus.

15.  solution: solution of antibiotics; to administer the solution of antibiotics; physical solution.

16.  bandage: to put a bandage; a fresh bandage; an outer bandage; to put a fresh outer bandage; to remove an outer bandage.

17.  profuse: profuse bleeding; profuse bleeding of the wound; to cause profuse bleeding; to stop profuse abdominal bleeding.

18.  urgent: an urgent case; urgent laparotomy; an urgent operation; an urgent abdominal operation.

19.  to survive: to survive the operation; to survive the disease; to survive the operation well.

20.  post – operative: post – operative condition; his post – operative condition was satisfactory; her post – operative condition is good.


1.  When do doctors prescribe antibiotics?

2.  Is acute appendicitis dangerous to life?

3.  When are patients discharged from the hospital?

4.  Is your district doctor careful in handling patients?

5.  Did you have your leg or arm fractured?

6.  Where do surgeons perform operations?

7.  Have you ever been operated on?

8.  What were you operated on for?

9.  How did you survive the operation?

10.  What was your post – operative condition?

11.  What do doctors put in plaster of Paris for?

12.  Is profuse bleeding dangerous for a patient?


Рана заживала хорошо; у больного осторожно извлекли марлевый тампон, пропитанный гноем; открытые и сложные переломы;  надеялись, что больной выживет; врач ввёл свежий марлевый тампон; наложить гипс на сломанную нижнюю конечность; смертельный исход; снять наружную повязку; хирургическое отделение; удалить аппендикс; больного прооперировали по поводу острого гнойного аппендицита; послеоперационное состояние; закрытые и простые переломы; жаловаться на сильную боль в правой нижней области живота; приёмный покой хирургического отделения; сильное брюшное кровотечение; трудная и ответственная профессия.


1.  The surgeon successfully performed an operation ___ a patient who was suffering ___ the most severe kidney trouble.

2.  It is dangerous ___ you to run now as you were operated ___ ___ appendicitis only two weeks ago.

3.  ___ 9 p. m. the ambulance brought a man ___ a very poor condition. It turned ___ that he had a compound fracture of both lower extremities. The man was laid ___ ___ a stretcher cart and wheeled ___ the operating – room.

4.  Jane must undergo the operation ___ her tonsils and have them removed.

5.  Your broken leg will have to be kept ___ plaster ___ Paris until it heals.

6.  My brother often complains ___ a sharp pain ___ his stomach. I’m afraid something is wrong ___ it.

7.  The edges ___ the wound were suppurative and it was necessary to wash ___ the wound ___ the solution ___ antibiotics.

8.  When the doctor examined the patient, he made the diagnosis ___ acute appendicitis which required ___ an urgent operation. So, he was immediately operated ___.

9.  My friend was discharged ___ the clinic ___ a good state and now he is quite well.


1.  It was necessary to take away the appendix immediately in order to prevent its sudden bursting, which might cause peritonitis and end in death.

2.  It was a severe case of profuse abdominal bleeding. It demanded an immediate laparotomy.

3.  The first rule they had to follow there was not to cause the patient any additional pain, that was why they had to be careful in treating the patients.

4.  They hoped that the patient would remain alive after the operation.

5.  The broken bones of the hands and legs had been brought together and put in plaster of Paris.

6.  At 10 p.m. a special car for carrying people who are seriously ill brought a boy.

7.  The doctor carefully took out the gauze drain, which was wet through with pus.

8.  As you know, acute appendicitis is sometimes not safe to life.

9.   The nurse helped the doctor to take off the external bandage.