Дидактический материал для практических занятий по английскому языку, страница 11

IV.        What would you say:

1. When leaving a friend's house after a party at about 11 p.m.? 2. To your business partner, who is leaving for home after a short stay in your town? 3. When leaving your relative whom you have arranged to meet: a) the same evening? b) the next morning? c) op the following Sunday. 4. To a colleague with whom you have been discussing your work? 5. When leaving your friend who is going for an interview for a job the next day? 6. To the secretary who has just given you some in­formation, before leaving the office? 7. When leaving a group ofyour fellow-students after classes? 8. To your parents when leaving a flat in the morning? 9. To the representatives of foreign delegation whom you are seeing off to Moscow? 1Q. To your guests while they are leav­ing you?

V. Act out the following situations:

1.  Mrs. Brown has been giving a small dinner for some business
friends and acquaintances. One of her acquaintances, Mrs. Smith, is
about to back.

2.  You're just leaving Mr. Barry's office after spending the after­
noon being shown around the factory. It has been the most interesting
day. What are your final words to Mr. Barry?

3. You are at home. A friend of yours is calling to say good-bye.

He/she is going to spend Christmas with his/her parents in Britain.

     4. You're visiting Nick. You've just called in to say good-bye.
You're in a bit of hurry. Nick hopes to see you soon.

Unit 5. Apologies and Excuses

There are various ways of apologizing in English if you feel you've offended or upset someone.

Sorry/I am sorry is used after you have slightly inconvenienced somebody in some way (for example if two people bump into each other). It's not a strong apology. It's used after you've done some­thing. Remember: Excuse me - before, Sorry - after. If you really re­gret something then you should use the stronger forms:

I'm very sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I'm ever so sorry, (less formal)

I'm terribly/awfully/dreadfully sorry.

Excuse me is a way of indicating politely that you want to pass somebody in a crowd, on a bus, at the same time anologizing for any inconvenience you may cause. It's used after sneezing, coughing, yawning.