Проектирование цифрового автомата в САПР OrCAD 9.1 и Active-HDL 8.1, страница 10

Рис.18 УГО дешифратора(2-4 слева, 4-16 справа)

ü  VHDL-код дешифратора 2-4:

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity DESHIF2 is


                             A0 : in STD_LOGIC;

                             A1 : in STD_LOGIC;

                             EN : in STD_LOGIC;

                             Q0 : out STD_LOGIC;

                             Q1 : out STD_LOGIC;

                             Q2 : out STD_LOGIC;

                             Q3 : out STD_LOGIC


end DESHIF2;

architecture DESHIF2 of DESHIF2 is


               Q0<=not(A0) and not(A1) and EN;

               Q1<=A0 and not(A1) and EN;   

               Q2<=not(A0) and A1 and EN;

               Q3<=A0 and A1 and EN;

end DESHIF2;

ü  VHDL-код дешифратора 4-16:

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity DESHIF4 is


                             EN : in STD_LOGIC;

                             A3 : in STD_LOGIC;

                             A2 : in STD_LOGIC;

                             A1 : in STD_LOGIC;

                             A0 : in STD_LOGIC;

                             Q15 : out STD_LOGIC;

                             Q14 : out STD_LOGIC;

                             Q13 : out STD_LOGIC;

                             Q12 : out STD_LOGIC;

                             Q11 : out STD_LOGIC;

                             Q10 : out STD_LOGIC;

                             Q9 : out STD_LOGIC;

                             Q8 : out STD_LOGIC;

                             Q7 : out STD_LOGIC;

                             Q6 : out STD_LOGIC;

                             Q5 : out STD_LOGIC;

                             Q4 : out STD_LOGIC;

                             Q3 : out STD_LOGIC;

                             Q2 : out STD_LOGIC;

                             Q1 : out STD_LOGIC;

                             Q0 : out STD_LOGIC


end DESHIF4;

architecture DESHIF4 of DESHIF4 is


               Q0<=not(A0) and not(A1)and not(A2)and not(A3)and EN;                               

               Q1<=A0 and not(A1)and not(A2)and not(A3)and EN;

               Q2<=not(A0) and A1 and not(A2)and not(A3)and EN;

               Q3<=A0 and A1 and not(A2)and not(A3)and EN;

               Q4<=not(A0) and not(A1)and A2 and not(A3)and EN;

               Q5<=A0 and not(A1)and A2 and not(A3)and EN;

               Q6<=not(A0) and A1 and A2 and not(A3)and EN;  

               Q7<=A0 and A1 and A2 and not(A3)and EN;

               Q8<=not(A0) and not(A1)and not(A2)and A3 and EN;         

               Q9<=A0 and not(A1)and not(A2)and A3 and EN;

               Q10<=not(A0) and A1 and not(A2)and A3 and EN;              

               Q11<=A0 and A1 and not(A2)and A3 and EN;        

               Q12<=not(A0) and not(A1)and A2 and A3 and EN;

               Q13<=A0 and not(A1)and A2 and A3 and EN;

               Q14<=not(A0) and A1 and A2 and A3 and EN;       

               Q15<=A0 and A1 and A2 and A3 and EN; 

end DESHIF4;

Рис.18 УГО элементов ИЛИ (на 2 входа,  на 16 входов и на 24 входа)

Далее приведем VHDL-модели этих символов:

ü  Логический элемент 2ИЛИ:

library IEEE;

use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

entity OR2 is


                      A : in STD_LOGIC;

                      B : in STD_LOGIC;

                      Q : out STD_LOGIC


end OR2;

--}} End of automatically maintained section

architecture OR2 of OR2 is


        -- enter your statements here --

        Q<='1' after 10ns when (A or B)='1'