Our institute. We study anatomy. How i got my certificate of health. The working day of a district doctor. At the chemist’s. Classes in therapy. At the surgical department, страница 9

2.  Where do you apply mustard plasters?

3.  When do you gargle your throat with mouth – wash?

4.  Do you often visit your district doctor?

5.  What medicine relieves the pain in the heart?

6.  Did you suffer lobar pneumonia in your childhood?

7.  Are you often ill with quinsy?

8.  When do doctors hospitalize the patient?

9.  What patients does the doctor see in the polyclinic?

10.  Do you always follow the treatment?

11.  How does your district doctor deal with his patients?

12.  When does the doctor make his daily round of the visits?

13.  When were you admitted to the hospital last?


Крупозное воспаление лёгких; ангина; воспаление; пот; антисептическая жидкость для полоскания рта; горчичники; загрудинная область; лечение; физическое напряжение; рабочий день; облегчение; горло; состояние; стенокардия.

Доставлять; принимать; ускорять; взглянуть; полоскать; облегчить; госпитализировать; вспотеть; уважать.

Быть доставленным в больницу; поставить горчичники на спину; покрыться испариной; находиться в тяжёлом (плохом) состоянии; прополоскать горло антисептической жидкостью; взглянуть на больное горло; делать ежедневный обход больных на дому; участковый врач; амбулаторный больной; при физическом напряжении; облегчить боль в загрудинной области; поставить диагноз крупозного воспаления лёгких.

Сильное воспаление в горле; курс лечения; госпитализировать больного; прописать пациенту лекарство от гриппа; особенно острая (о боли); причинять боль; почувствовать мгновенное облегчение; три раза в день; лечить больного от стенокардии; имеется воспаление в горле; болеть стенокардией.

Вы чувствуете боль в горле? Как вы себя чувствуете?


  1. Dr. Ivanov’s working day begins ___ 9 o’clock ___ the morning ___ the polyclinic.
  2. ___ the afternoon he usually makes his daily round ___ visits ___ the district.
  3. The patient was ___ a poor condition: his hands and face were damp ___ sweat, his pulse was accelerated and faint.
  4. The doctor listened ___ his lungs and heart and made the diagnosis ___ lobar pneumonia.
  5. The patient was admitted ___ the hospital.
  6. She complained ___ sore throat and a bad pain ___ her back.
  7. As her condition was bad the doctor put her ___ sick-leave ___ several days.
  8. The pain ___ the substernal area was particularly sharp ___ physical exertion.
  9. The doctor asked the patient to strip ___ the waist and listened ___ his lungs and heart.
  10. The doctor advised her to apply mustard plasters ___ her back ___ going  ___ bed.
  11. The doctor also prescribed ___ the patient to gargle ___ his throat ___ mouth – wash three times ___ a day.


  1. Dr. Ivanov’s ___ day begins at 9 o’clock in the morning at the ___.
  2. He sees 10 and sometimes even 15 ___ during his ___ ___.
  3. In the afternoon he usually makes his ___ ___ of ___ to the district.
  4. He was in a poor ___: his hands and face were ___ with ___, his pulse was ___ and ___.
  5. The patient was ___ to the hospital.
  6. He prescribed to her an ___ ___ to gargle her throat 5 or 6 times a day.
  7. As her condition was bad the doctor ___ her on a ___ for several days.
  8. He advised her to apply ___ ___ to her back before going to bed.
  9. The patient couldn’t say that the medicine ___ him any ___.
  10. The pain in the ___ area was particularly ___ on physical ___.
  11. Dr. Ivanov usually deals with every case very ___ and ___.
  12. All his patients love and ___ Dr. Ivanov.


1.  What does Dr. Ivanov do during his consulting hours?

2.  What patients does Dr. Ivanov examine during his daily round of visits?

3.  What was the condition of Dr. Ivanov’s first patient who came to the polyclinic?

4.  What did the physical examination of this patient reveal?

5.  What was the diagnosis?

6.  What can you say about Dr.Ivanov’s second patient?

7.  What was there in her throat?

8.  What diagnosis did the doctor make?

9.  What did the doctor prescribe to that woman?

10.  Why did the doctor put her on a sick - leave?

11.  What did doctor Ivanov do after his consulting hours?

12.  What did the medical examination of the patient with angina pectoris reveal?

13.  Why did the doctor decide to hospitalize this patient?

14.  Why do all his patients love and respect Dr. Ivanov?


1.  После приёмных часов в поликлинике доктор обычно делает ежедневный обход больных своего участка.

2.  Его руки и лицо были покрыты испариной.

3.  Дыхание больного было учащённым.

4.  Она жаловалась на боль в горле.

5.  Боль была особенно острой при физическом напряжении.

6.  У неё в горле было сильное воспаление, и врач поставил диагноз «ангина».

7.  Врач выдал ему бюллетень на несколько дней.

8.  Пожалуйста, полощите горло этой антисептической жидкостью 3 раза в день.

9.  Доктор посоветовал ей ставить горчичники на спину перед сном.

10.  Это лекарство не принесло ему никакого облегчения.

11.  Как вы себя чувствуете? Позвольте мне взглянуть на ваше горло.

12.  Чем вы болели в детстве? – Я болел ангиной и гриппом.

13.  Когда она болела ангиной, у неё болело горло и голова.

14.  Слабый пульс и боль в загрудинной области – симптомы стенокардии.


Sometimes, when you need some drugs you go to a chemist’s. There are usually two departments at the chemist’s: a chemist’s department and a prescription one. At the chemist’s department you can buy medicines right away. At the prescription department all the drugs have to be ordered.