Our institute. We study anatomy. How i got my certificate of health. The working day of a district doctor. At the chemist’s. Classes in therapy. At the surgical department, страница 18

      Делит; выталкивает (выделяет); сокращается; означает; состоит из; называется; производит; располагается (лежит).

      Делить на две полости; через аорту; в большой круг кровообращения; в лёгкие; через лёгочные артерии; из малого круга кровообращения; на входе; на выходе; в течение всей жизни; у взрослого человека; во время одного сокращения; из сердца; состоит из трёх слоёв; состоит из соединительной ткани; в околосердечной сумке; три группы сосудов.


1.  One septum divides the heart ___ two chambers.

2.  The left cardiac chamber discharges blood ___ the aorta ___ the systemic circulation.

3.  The right heart chamber discharges blood ___ the lungs ___ pulmonary circulation.

4.  The valves are ___ the entrance and exit ___ each ventricle.

5.  The heart contracts ___ the whole period  ___ life.

6.  ___ the adult the heart usually makes ___ 70 ___ 75 beats ___ minute.

7.  The amount ___ blood discharged ___ the heart ___ a single contraction is called the systolic volume.

8.  The heart wall consists ___ three layers: the epicardium, the myocardium and the endocardium.

9.  The epicardium and the endocardium consist ___ connective tissue.

10.  The myocardium produces the contractions ___ the heart.

11.  The heart is lying ___ the cardiac sac ___ the pericardium.

12.  The cardiovascular system consists ___ three groups ___ vessels – arteries, veins and capillaries.


1.  The heart is a ___ ___ organ.

2.  Each cardiac chamber has the ___ and the ___.

3.  The left cardiac chamber discharges blood received from the ___ through the ___ to the ___ ___.

4.  The right heart chamber discharges blood received from the ___ ___ to the ___ through the ___ ___.

5.  The valves are at the ___ and ___ of each ventricle.

6.  The heart ___ during the whole period of life.

7.  Cardiac arrest means ___.

8.  The amount of blood discharged from the heart during a ___ contraction is called the ___ ___.

9.  The heart wall consists of three layers: the ___, the ___ and the ___.

10.  The epicardium and the endocardium consist of ___ ___.

11.  The myocardium produces the ___ of the ___.

12.  The heart is lying in the  ___ ___ or the ___.

13.  The cardiovascular system consists of three groups of vessels: ___, ___ and ___.


1.  What is the heart?

2.  How many chambers does the heart consist of?

3.  Where does the left cardiac chamber discharge blood?

4.  Where does the right cardiac chamber discharge blood?

5.  Where are the valves?

6.  What does cardiac arrest mean?

7.  How many beats per minute does the heart usually make in the adult?

8.  What is called the systolic volume?

9.  What does the heart wall consist of?

10.  What does the myocardium produce?

11.  What do the endocardium and the epicardium consist of?

12.  Where is the heart lying?

13.  What does the cardiovascular system consist of?


1.  Сердце представляет собой полый мышечный орган.

2.  В каждой сердечной камере есть предсердие и желудочек.

3.  Клапаны расположены на входе и выходе каждого желудочка.

4.  Сердечная стенка состоит из трёх слоёв: эпикарда, миокарда и эндокарда.

5.  Эндокард и эпикард состоят из соединительной ткани.

6.  Миокард, или сердечна мышца, вызывает сокращения сердца.

7.  Сердце расположено в околосердечной сумке, или перикарде.

8.  Сердечно-сосудистая система состоит из трёх групп сосудов – артерий, вен и капилляров.

9.  Левая сердечная камера выбрасывает кровь, полученную из малого круга кровообращения, через аорту в большой круг кровообращения.

10.  Правая сердечная камера выбрасывает кровь, полученную из большого круга кровообращения, в лёгкие через легочные артерии.


The lungs are the main organs of the respiratory system. We breathe with the lungs. They form a pair of organs lying in the chest. Each lung is conical in the shape and has the base and the apex.

The base of the lung is located on the diaphragm. The apex extends upward 3 – 4 centimetres (cm) above the level of the first rib.

The left lung consists of two lobes. The right lung consists of three lobes. The lungs are covered with the pleura.

Air enters the lungs through the trachea. The trachea is divided into two branches, called bronchi.

Each lung is enveloped in a membrane. The space between the lungs is called the mediastinum.

The structure of the lung consists of an external serous coat, the visceral layer of the pleura, a subserous elastic tissue and the parenchyma or proper substance of the lungs.

In infants the lungs are of a pale rose colour, but later they become darker.

The adult makes 16 – 20 respiratory movements per minute. The vital capacity of the lungs is 3,5 – 4 litres in a male and 3 – 3,5 litres in a female. When we breathe in, oxygen is inspired. When we breathe out, carbon dioxide is expired. Carbon dioxide is produced in the human body as a result of body metabolism. Respiratory metabolism takes place in the pulmonary alveoli.