Our institute. We study anatomy. How i got my certificate of health. The working day of a district doctor. At the chemist’s. Classes in therapy. At the surgical department, страница 6


1.  appointment: to have an appointment with the doctor for 2 o’clock; to make an appointment with the friend in the park; he made an appointment with the doctor for Sunday; I have an appointment with the therapeutist when I am ill.

2.  blood: to make his blood analysis; to take some blood from the finger; to take blood pressure; his blood pressure is high; her blood pressure was low; bleeding; to bleed.

3.  to catch (caught): to catch a cold; he often catches a cold; he caught a bad cold; How often do you catch a cold?

4.  to cause: to cause pain; to cause bleeding; to cause complications; the grippe may cause serious complications; What causes pain? What may this disease cause?

5.  a cough: a bad cough; to cough; to cough badly; I don’t cough; he always coughs; Why are you coughing?

6.  consulting: consulting room; consulting hours; during the consulting hours; after the consulting hours; to go to a consulting room; the doctor’s consulting hours.

7.  to check: to check blood pressure; to check every day; to check eye – sight; to check hearing; we must check our lungs; he checked everything.

8.  a diagnosis: diagnoses; to make a diagnosis; to make a correct diagnosis; to make a wrong diagnosis; the therapeutist made a correct diagnosis; I can’t make a diagnosis; to diagnose.

9.  findings: interesting findings; to get interesting findings; normal findings; we got interesting findings; findings of the analyses.

10.  fever: a bad fever; to keep the fever down; feverish; to have a bad fever; he kept the fever down; this medicine kept the fever down.

11.  to have a headache: to have a headache; to have a bad headache; to complain of a headache; he seldom has a headache; Do you often have a headache?

12.  healthy: a healthy person; to be a healthy person; he is healthy; you are healthy; health; Public Health Ministry.

13.  ill: to be ill with; he is ill with chicken – pox; I am ill with the grippe; What are you ill with?; to fall ill with; he fell ill with scarlet fever.

14.  nurse: nurses; an experienced nurse; to work as a nurse; a nurse on duty; to nurse.

15.  to palpate: to palpate the abdomen; don’t palpate his abdomen; have you palpated the abdomen yet?; palpation.

16.  to reveal: the medical examination reveals; we revealed some diseases; I can’t reveal this; what did you reveal?

17.  registry: at the registry; to work at the registry; to come to the registry; a registering clerk; to work as a registering clerk.

18.  ready: to be ready; are you ready?; we are ready; when will you be ready?; the findings are ready.

19.  to suffer: to suffer a disease; he suffered scarlet fever in his childhood; did you suffer measles in your childhood?; to suffer from a bad pain; what do you suffer from?; sufferings.

20.  scalding: a scalding foot – bath; to have a scalding foot – bath; to prescribe a scalding foot – bath; I didn’t have a scalding foot – bath yesterday.

21.  to sneeze: to sneeze badly; he doesn’t sneeze; why do you always sneeze? sneezing.

22.  therapeutist: to work as a therapeutist; the therapeutist listens to the patient’s heart and lungs; the therapeutist examined me; where is the therapeutist?; therapeutic.

23.  trouble: a serious trouble; a heart trouble; a lung trouble; a liver trouble; a stomach trouble; to trouble; don’t trouble me.

24.  throat: a sore throat; to have a sore throat; to suffer from a sore throat; he had a sore throat last week.

25.  X – ray: to X – ray; an X – ray examination; an X – ray room; to X – ray the patient’s stomach; we X – rayed his lungs.


1.  When do you usually go to your district polyclinic?

2.  Where does your district doctor see his patients?

3.  What are the consulting hours of your district doctor?

4.  What does the registering clerk find?

5.  What helps the doctor to make a correct diagnosis?

6.  Where are the patients X – rayed?

7.  What diseases may an X – ray examination reveal?

8.  What does the doctor write in the patient’s card?

9.  Why must a patient follow the treatment?

10.  Where must you keep a thermometer?

11.  What do you do if you have a headache?

12.  What do you do if you have a sore throat?

13.  How long must you stay in bed if you are ill with the grippe?

14.  What helps to keep the fever down?

15.  What diseases may cause complications?

16.  What diseases did you suffer in your childhood?

17.  When and what were you ill with last time?

18.  Do you often catch a cold?

19.  Do you want to be a therapeutist?

20.  What eye – sight do you have?

21.  How often are you ill?

22.  Did you catch a cold last winter?

23.  Are you a healthy person?

24.  Can you palpate a patient’s abdomen?


Получить справку о здоровье; пойти в регистратуру; дежурный регистратор; карточка больного; включая терапевта, невропатолога и других; сбить температуру; кладу грелку к ногам; записался на приём к участковому врачу; когда я болен гриппом; проверить почки, печень и желудок; делать анализ крови; измерить температуру; измерить кровяное давление; слух и зрение; я принимаю горячую ножную ванну; я перенёс скарлатину, корь и ветряную оспу; держать термометр под мышкой; ни на что не жаловался; пропальпировал живот; физикальный осмотр; заполнить карточку больного; рентген кабинет; не обнаружили заболеваний лёгких и сердца; взяла немного крови; был готов; здоровый; у меня болит горло; может вызвать осложнения; у меня болит голова.


1.  What did you have to get before entering the Institute?

2.  Where did you go first when you came to the polyclinic?