Changes Made in Microsoft Business Solutions–Navision W1 4.0 SP3. Table of Content. Development Environment and Database Changes

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Changes Made in Microsoft Business Solutions–Navision W1 4.0 SP3

This document describes the changes between Microsoft Business Solutions–Navision W1 4.0 SP2 and Microsoft Business Solutions–Navision W1 4.0 SP3.

Table of Contents

1      Application Changes. 2

1.1       General Changes. 2

1.2       General Ledger 3

1.3       Fixed Assets. 11

1.4       Sales & Marketing. 12

1.5       Relationship Management 23

1.6       Service Management 24

1.7       Purchases & Payables. 32

1.8       Inventory. 35

1.9       Warehouse Management 39

1.10         Manufacturing. 41

1.11         Jobs. 47

1.12         Employee Portal 49

1.13         Business Analytics. 50

2      Development Environment and Database Changes. 50

2.1       General Changes. 50

2.2       Microsoft SQL Server Option. 55

2.3       Development Environment 58

2.4       Commerce Gateway. 65

2.5       Employee Portal 66

2.6       Business Notification. 67

3      Installation. 67

3.1       Installation Program.. 67

4      Tools. 68

4.1       NODBC. 68

4.2       C/FRONT. 71

4.3       Upgrade Toolkit 73

4.4       Industry Templates. 74

4.5       Debugger 75

1  Application Changes

1.1  General Changes

Errors fixed

A1)  Error in Menu Suite Order


The meta data for menu item 10 was wrong. Some items supposed to have the next node id property set to null had a wrong value.

This has been corrected

MenuSuite 10 MBS

VSA reference: 8343998

A2)  Schemas and Xml Ports


Some xml ports had a mismatch in the occurrence properties for the groups ”companyinfo”, “invoice”, ”general” and “shipping”. The xml ports and the schemas are now changed to have an occurrence of "once" in these groups.

This has been corrected

XMLport 99008500 Outbound Product Catalog

XMLport 99008502 Inbound Purchase Credit Memo

XMLport 99008503 Inbound Purchase Invoice

XMLport 99008504 Outbound Purchase Order

XMLport 99008505 Inbound Purch. Order Confirm

XMLport 99008506 Inbound Purchase Receipt

XMLport 99008507 Outbound Req. for Purch Quote

XMLport 99008508 Inbound Req. for Sales Quote

XMLport 99008509 Outbound Sales Credit Memo

XMLport 99008510 Outbound Sales Invoice

XMLport 99008511 Outbound Shipment Notification

XMLport 99008514 Inbound Sales Order

XMLport 99008515 Outbound Sales Order Confirm

XMLport 99008516 Outbound Sales Quote

XMLport 99008517 Inbound Purchase Quote

VSA reference: 8463571

A3)  Unused Variable In “Codeunit 2 Company-Initialize”


Unused local variable was included in the “OnRun” trigger.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 2 Company-Initialize

VSA reference: 8377252

1.2  General Ledger

Errors fixed

A4)  IC-Partner Code on Too Many Entries


In cases where a general journal was posted with a ICPartner in one of the lines - the partner code was copied to all entries with same document number.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 13 Gen. Jnl.-Post Batch

VSA reference: 8454521

KB article reference: 918399

A5)  Double Entries in Intra Stat Journal


When posting an invoice (Sales or Purchase) to a foreign partner and applied a job no. to a item line – the line would appear twice on the intrastate journal from the Get Entries function.

This has been corrected

Report 594 Get Item Ledger Entries

VSA reference: 8451451

KB article reference: 918398

A6)  Suggest Vendor Payments Allowed Early Payments


It is not possible to directly close an invoice with an earlier payment through the journals, this was however possible through the Suggest Vendor Payments batch job. The invoices with a later posting date than the posting date from the Suggest Vendor Payments batch job will be collected and it is possible for the user to view the entries after the batch job has finished.

This has been corrected

Report 393 Suggest Vendor Payments

VSA reference: 8549290

KB article reference: 920890

A7)  LCY Gains/Losses Posted on Wrong Account


In cases where G/L Account was adjusted with exchange rate on LCY vs. ACY and using Exchange rate adjustment Adjust Amount.

This has been corrected

Report 595 Adjust Exchange Rates

VSA reference: 8465040

KB article reference: 919257

A8)  Error Message When Posting


Document type was missing as a field to check from the out of balance error message when posting from a G/L Journal.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 13 Gen. Jnl.-Post Batch

VSA reference: 8467772

A9)  Consolidate Export with Closing Dates


When exporting consolidation and using Closing dates in both start and end date you would receive an error.

This has been corrected

Report 91 Export Consolidation

VSA reference: 8475327

KB article reference: 919266

A10)  No Update on Grace Period for Vendor


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