When changing the applying entry in the application form did not reset the applying entry field of the old entry to false. When opening the form again the old entry could appear in the applying entry part of the form instead of the new one.
This has been corrected
Codeunit 101 Cust. Entry-SetAppl.ID
Codeunit 111 Vend. Entry-SetAppl.ID
VSA reference: 8450087
A43) Applies-to Doc. Type Not Cleared when Posting
When posting to a customer or vendor the Applies-to Doc. the type was not cleared.
This has been corrected
Codeunit 12 Gen. Jnl.-Post Line
VSA reference: 8454793
A44) Wrong Posting Date on Unapplied VAT Entries
When un-applying an customer or vendor entry with unrealized VAT - the new VAT Entry could receive a wrong posting date and a wrong document number.
This has been corrected
Codeunit 12 Gen. Jnl.-Post Line
VSA reference: 8466608
A45) Wrong Remaining Amount when Using Application Rounding
When setting application rounding in General Ledger Setup and correcting the Amount to Apply on the apply form could in some cases generate a wrong remaining amount for both invoice and payment.
This has been corrected
Codeunit 12 Gen. Jnl.-Post Line
VSA reference: 8468575
KB article reference: 919268
A46) Apply Form Did not Show Correct Balance
In cases with a small payment and a large invoice and credit memo and only the credit memo has payment discount the system would show a wrong balance in the apply form.
This has been corrected
Form 232 Apply Customer Entries
Form 233 Apply Vendor Entries
VSA reference: 8475331
KB article reference: 919272
A47) Wrong Value Entry Relation Entries
When posting a Sales Order (Drop Shipment) before posting the receive in the Purchase Order manually the Value Entry Relation would become incorrect.
This has been corrected
Codeunit 22 Item Jnl.-Post Line
VSA reference: 8468185
A48) Mixed Languages in Reports
Mixed languages could occur in “Report 295 Combine Shipment” and “Report 6653 Combine Return Shipment”.
This has been corrected
Report 295 Combine Shipments
Report 6653 Combine Return Receipts
VSA reference: 8465061
A49) Applies-to Doc. No. on Orders Did not Update Amount to Apply.
When using Applies-to Doc. No. on orders the Amount to apply on the connected ledger entry was not always updated correctly.
This has been corrected
Table 36 Sales Header
Table 38 Purchase Header
VSA reference: 8466555
A50) Wrong Permissions
Codeunit had permission to table 25 instead of table 21.
This has been corrected
Codeunit 226 CustEntry-Apply Posted Entries
A51) Wrong Sheet Name when Export to Excel
When exporting a Sales Analysis Report to Excel the worksheet was always called CUSTGROUPS.
This has been corrected
Report 7113 Export Analysis Rep. to Excel
VSA reference: 8495252
A52) Wrong Calculation of Credit Limit
In “Form 343 Check Credit Limit” the amount was computed twice.
This has been corrected
Form 343 Check Credit Limit
VSA reference: 8486967
A53) Not Possible to Add New Sales Lines in Sales Order
Pressing F9 on a Sales Invoice an unexpected error could occur if the Invoice was created by a Get Shipment from a Sales Order that included Service Charge.
This has been corrected
Codeunit 60 Sales-Calc. Discount
VSA reference: 8484521
KB article reference: 920050
A54) Undo Shipment does not Update Analysis View
The Update item analysis View functionality was not called while processing an Undo Shipment.
This has been corrected
Codeunit 5815 Undo Sales Shipment Line
A55) Apply Forms Resorted When Applying Entry Was Selected
When choosing an applying entry in the apply customer/vendor entries form the rest of the entries in that form was sorted with the Entry No. key.
This has been corrected
Form 232 Apply Customer Entries
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