A new field ‘Ignore Def. Ending Book Value’, type Boolean, has been created in the Fixed Asset Card.
If a check mark is entered in this field then Navision always uses Ending Book Value in the Fixed Asset Card.
The new field will ensure that users can insert ‘0’ as “Ending Book Value” from the “Fixed Asset Card” even though the “Default Ending Book Value” is different from ‘0’.
This feature has been implemented
Table 5612 FA Depreciation Book
Codeunit 5611 Calculate Normal Depreciation
Codeunit 5612 Calculate Custom 1 Depr.
Codeunit 5616 Depreciation Calculation
Form 5619 FA Depreciation Books
Form 5666 FA Depreciation Books Subform
VSA reference: 8549221
A36) Menu Item, Object Names and Field Names Changed
Changed Object Names
Object names have changed:
- Table 5650 ‘Insurance - Tot. Value Insured’ changed to ‘Total Value Insured’
- Form 5649 ‘Insurance - Tot. Value Insured’ changed to ‘Total Value Insured’
- Form 5650 ‘Ins. Tot. Valued Ins. Subform’ changed to ‘Total Value Insured Subform’
Changed Menu Item
Form 5600 Fixed Asset Card, menu button Fixed Asset, item ‘Ins&urance - Tot. Value Insured’ is changed to ‘Total Value Ins&ured’.
Changed Field Names
Old: Allow Acq.-Cost below Zero
New: Allow Acq. Cost below Zero (hyphen removed)
Old: Calc. DB1-Depr. Amount
New: Calc. DB1 Depr. Amount (hyphen removed)
Text Box Caption Changed
Old: No. Of Years
New: No. of Years (non capital ‘o’)
This has been implemented
Form 5600 Fixed Asset Card
Form 5636 FA Reclass. Journal
Form 5649 Total Value Insured
Form 5650 Total Value Insured Subform
Table 5611 Depreciation Book
Table 5624 FA Reclass. Journal Line
Table 5650 Total Value Insured
Report 5683 Create Sum of Digits Table
Codeunit 5606 FA Check Consistency
Codeunit 5642 FA Reclass. Transfer Line
Errors fixed
A37) Missing Entries on Aged Reports
When posting an invoice with Document date before posting date and running the Aged Accounts Payable/Receivable with an enddate between the posting and document date and using sort by document date - the entry was missing.
This has been corrected
Report 120 Aged Accounts Receivable
Report 322 Aged Accounts Payable
VSA reference: 8463698
KB reference: 918404
A38) Text on Sales Order Not Visible in High Contrast Mode
Portions of text was not visible in high contrast mode in information pane of the Sales Order window. This also happened in the Sales Quote, Sales Invoice and Customer Sales History windows.
This has been corrected
Form 41 Sales Quote
Form 42 Sales Order
Form 43 Sales Invoice
Form 46 Sales Order Subform
Form 47 Sales Invoice Subform
Form 7171 Customer Sales History
Form 95 Sales Quote Subform
A39) Key “Customer No., Posting Date” is Duplicate
Performance could be experienced slow when using Table 21 Cust. Ledger Entry due to duplicate keys.
This has been corrected
Table 21 Cust. Ledger Entry
VSA Reference: 8371683
A40) Overflow Error When Recording to Outlook Integration Log
An overflow error message was displayed when the system attempted to log the failure of creation of a task in Outlook, corresponding to a Navision to-do, into Outlook Integration Log table.
This has been corrected
Codeunit 5073 To-do Handler
VSA reference: 8375601
A41) Customer/Vendor Invoice Discount When Renaming Customer
When renaming a customer the Cust. Invoice Disc. was left at the old customer number. This was a potential error if a new customer received the old customers’ number. The same correction has been made to the vendor table.
This has been corrected
Table 18 Customer
Table 23 Vendor
VSA reference: 8416631
A42) Changing Applying Entry Did not Always Work
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