When applying grace period to General Ledger Setup and do not have any customer in the database the open vendor ledger entries was not updated with the new grace period.
This has been corrected
Codeunit 426 Payment Tolerance Management
VSA reference: 8481144
KB article reference: 920045
A11) Adjust Exchange Rate Missing IC Partner Code
When running the Adjust Exch. rate batch job the entries produced did not contain the IC Partner code for Intercompany customer and vendors.
Has been corrected
Report 595 Adjust Exchange Rates
Table 331 Adjust Exchange Rate Buffer
VSA reference: 8486928
KB article reference: 920051
A12) Dim. Amounts Were Incorrectly Calculated in Dim–Total Report
Amounts for dimensions or dimension combinations were incorrectly calculated in the Dimensions – Total report. Detail filters and totals of dimension combinations were not taken into consideration during the calculation process.
This has been corrected
Report 27 Dimensions – Total
VSA reference: 8482893
A13) Adjust Exchange Rates Adjusted Entries Outside the Date Range
When an application was made to a customer or vendor entri after the enddate of the adjust Exchange Rates batch job. Then the original entry was currency adjusted even if it was outside the date range of the batch job.
This has been corrected
Report 595 Adjust Exchange Rates
VSA reference: 8491196
KB article number: 920054
A14) Total Inventory Not Considering Reversal of Expected Cost and WIP
When posting Inventory cost to G/L report - Total Inventory didn't consider the reversal of expected cost and WIP.
This has been corrected
Codeunit 5802 Inventory Posting To G/L
VSA reference: 8478480
A15) No G/L Account Numbers on Document Entries Report
G/L Account numbers were not printed on the Document Entries report.
This has been corrected
Report 35 Document Entries
VSA reference: 8499457
A16) IC Posting Removed Document Number From Entry
In cases when the General Journal Batch only had a No. Series in the Posted No. Series field - The document number of the posted entries was blank.
This has been corrected
Codeunit 13 Gen. Jnl.-Post Batch
VSA reference: 8509441
A17) Un-apply Was Missing VAT Amount in G/L Entry
When un-applying a customer or vendor ledger entry with payment discount and adjust VAT for payment discount was turned on. The created G/L Entries was missing VAT Amount information.
This has been corrected
Codeunit 12 Gen. Jnl.-Post Line
VSA reference: 8517883
A18) Changed Find First in Gen. Jnl.-Post Line
In the functions UnapplyCustLedgEntry and UnapplyVendLedgEntry FINDFIRST was used wrong.
This has been corrected
Codeunit 12 Gen. Jnl.-Post Line
VSA reference: 8513933
A19) Applying Vendor Ledger Entries To Early Payments
When a payment for a vendor had a posting date before the posting date of the invoice the system would show a message.
This has been corrected
Form 233 Apply Vendor Entries
VSA reference: 8493748
A20) Vat Calculation For Balancing Account
The VAT Calculation for the balancing account did not match the one from the Account. This could cause small rounding difference.
This has been corrected
Table 81 Gen. Journal Line
VSA reference: 8521928
KB article reference: 920085
A21) Replace Budget Entries Deleted All Entries Within Budget.
When importing budget entries from Excel and the replace entries option were selected - all entries within that budget was deleted. This has been changed to only delete those entries within the Export filters dimensions and with the given G/L Account on the given dates.
This has been corrected
Report 81 Import Budget from Excel
VSA reference: 8494013
KB article reference: 920090
A22) No Dimension Validation For Budgets In Excel
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