An open job ledger entry is not closed if the Unit Price on the sales line is set to 0, and Apply and Close (Job) check box is selected.
This has been corrected
Codeunit 202 Job Jnl.-Post Line
A177) Job Usage Costs Not Included Into Amt. to Post to G/L
Job Usage costs were not included into the Amt. to Post to G/L field value, if the Chargeable field on a job ledger entry was not selected. The Total Price field on the Statistics form for a job displayed the sum of the prices of all entries, regardless of the value in the Chargeable field.
This has been corrected
Table 167 Job
Table 169 Job Ledger Entry
Report 1295 Calculate Job WIP Value
A178) Doc No. was Required When Reports 1214 and 1002 Previewed
The user was required to fill in the Document No. field on Post Inventory Cost to G/L and Post Job WIP Value to G/L reports when he tried to preview the report.
This has been corrected
Report 1002 Post Inventory Cost to G/L
Report 1214 Post Job WIP Value to G/L
VSA reference: 8334059
A179) Res. or G/L Acc. Job Journal Line with Quantity=0 Was Posted
It was possible to post lines of type Resource or G/L Account with 0 in the Quantity field from the Job Journal window. A check for the quantity on the line of type Resource or G/L Account was missing.
This has been corrected
Codeunit 201 Job Jnl.-Check Line
Codeunit 211 Res. Jnl.-Check Line
A180) Additional Filter Value Parsing
A new function for validating the filter value in case of size and type (e.g. decimal) has been added in Codeunit 6815. Also the call to this function has been added in MakeSearchResult. This will now check the search string for wild cards and other search related characters.
This feature has been implemented
Codeunit 6815 EP Support Functions
VSA reference: 8371685
A181) Additional Filter Value Parsing
Added a new function for validating the filter value in case of size and type (e.g. decimal).
This feature has been implemented
Codeunit 6815 EP Support Functions
VSA reference: 8537883
Errors fixed
A182) Wrong Caption
“Form 6853 EP WP Table Tab Captions” had a wrong caption. “CaptionML=ENU=C&reate New Language for Current;” has been changed to “CaptionML=ENU=C&reate New Language for Current Line;”.
This has been corrected
Form 6853 EP WP Table Tab Captions
Errors fixed
A183) BA Export Was Missing Time Dimensions
Exporting Business Analytics Cube to XML was missing time dimensions.
This has been corrected
Codeunit 700 BA Overview Form Mgt.
Codeunit 702 BA Db. Definition Create XML
Table 713 BA Db. Cube Dimension
VSA reference: 8583368
KB reference: 922830
P1) New File Extension Added To fin.stx
Navision will now be able to recognize .msg and .tif files.
This has been implemented
VSA reference: 8504881 & 8482840
Errors fixed
A184) SUPER User Role Not Restricted To One Company
When creating a SUPER user for one company, it was possible to get access to other companies.
This has been corrected
P2) Time Format Changed During Export
When exporting data via a DATAPORT time formats were changed. Exporting time stamps less than 10:00:00 would be changed to 8:00:00 instead of 08:00:00.
This has been corrected
VSA reference: 8306343
P3) Wrong Default Margin Settings
The default margin setting in the page setup was wrong.
This has been corrected
P4) Can Not Access File On Share
When creating a shortcut to Excel on a shared folder from the shortcut menu would open Internet Explorer instead of Excel.
This has been corrected
P5) Using “F8” Copies A Row Instead Of The Specific Field
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