Changes Made in Microsoft Business Solutions–Navision W1 4.0 SP3. Table of Content. Development Environment and Database Changes, страница 9

This has been corrected

Table 5902 Service Invoice Line

A93)  Text Constants in Service Item Line Table Wrong


A number of text constants in the Service Item Line table was wrong.

This has been corrected

Table 5901 Service Item Line

Report 202 Sales Document – Test

A94)  Spelling Errors


Text000 in Table 5968 contain the spelling error: "becuase" instead of "because". Same error in Text054 in Table 5965.

This has been corrected

Table 5965 Service Contract Header

Table 5968 Service Contract Template

A95)  Posting Date Was Wrong For Non-Prepaid Contract Invoice


When an invoice for a non-prepaid contract was created the Posting Date for the invoice was set as the beginning of the period.

This has been corrected

Codenit 5940 ServContractManagement

A96)  Inconsistent Insertion of Text Lines When An Invoice Was Created


If an invoice was created when signing a service contract, text lines were inserted into the invoice. If an invoice was created by using the Create Sales Invoice function, the text lines were not inserted.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5940 ServContractManagement

A97)  Serv. Order Fields Not Cleared when Order’s No. Was Cleared


When the user cleared the Service Item No. and Item No. fields on a service order, the values of the Contract No., Warranty and Serial No. fields remained in place, though they should have been cleared, too.

This has been corrected

Table 5901 Service Item Line

A98)  Location Code Empty When Credit Memo Created Automatically


The Location Code field on the Shipping tab of a credit memo was empty when the credit memo was created automatically.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5940 ServContractManagement

A99)  Wrong Message if Line From Contract Without Invoice Deleted


When the user selected the Automatic Credit Memos check box on a service contract, signed the contract without creating an invoice and then deleted a line from the contract, a message appeared informing the user that a credit memo had been created. The message should not appear since a credit memo was not created.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5940 ServContractManagement

Codeunit 5944 SignServContractDoc

Report 6034 Remove Lines from Contract

VSA reference: 8379694

A100)  Serial No. Changes Not Logged if Initial Serial No. Blank


Modifications of the Serial No. of a service item were not logged, if the initial or present value of this field was blank.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5906 ServLogManagement

VSA reference: 8379514

A101)  Wrong SLE Contr. No. When Memo With Related Contracts Posted


A wrong contract number was assigned to the No. field of a service ledger entry after posting a credit memo with lines related to several contracts.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5912 ServLedgEntries-Post

A102)  Service Items Report Displayed Incorrect Information


Service Items report displayed incorrect information that included redundant data from service contract quotes.

This has been corrected

Table 5940 Service Item

A103)  Misleading Msg. When Contract No. Cleared on Service Order


A misleading confirmation message appears when the Contract No. field is cleared on the Service Order window.

This has been corrected

Table 5900 Service Header

A104)  Error When a Service Item Line Was Added To a Service Order


Error messages were displayed when the user tried to add a new service item line to a service order, with a service item that belongs to more than one service contract. The problem occurred if the service order contained non-item related service invoice lines.

This has been corrected

Table 5901 Service Item Line

A105)  Invoice Line Contr. Disc. %=0 if Excl. Contr. Disc. Selected


Contract Discount % field on a service invoice line was cleared when the Exclude Contract Discount check box field was selected.