Corresponding Value Entries for Item Charge Entries was missing Dimension values when posted with posting method “per Entry”.
This has been corrected
Codeunit 90 Purch.-Post
A146) ADCS Communication Enhancements
Various enhancements have been made to ADCS communication:
- Corrected the ID assignments on the plug-in, as in certain scenarios it was impossible to properly assign IDs
- Removed the CSS
- Removed the dependency on TerminalState
- Removed the dependency on ComCom on the plug-in side
- Removed the dependency on the NTimer as the AL code was wrongly assuming FIFO events
- Removed the NamedPipe connection
- Added SocketConnections
- Introduced a communication protocol between the NAS and the plug-in
- Correctly guarded global variables in a multi thread environment in the plug-in
- Removed the “two point communication” between the NAS and the plug-in
- Introduced a working timeout of terminals in the event that everything else failed
- Removed the dependency on XMLDOM in the plug-in
This feature has been implemented
VSA reference: 8362666
Errors fixed
A147) Wrong Locking Sequence
In some cases during the posting of the Warehouse Receipt and the Warehouse Shipment the source documents (Sale, Purchase, Transfer) were modified. This will lead to a wrong locking order of these tables.
This has been corrected
Codeunit 5760 Whse.-Post Receipt
Codeunit 5763 Whse.-Post Shipment
Codeunit 7307 Whse.-Activity-Register
Codeunit 7321 Create Inventory Put-away
Codeunit 7322 Create Inventory Pick
A148) Error when Posting a Shipped Sales Order
When posting a sales invoice, in a multi-user environment, for a location where a warehouse shipment is needed, the following error message could occur: "Another user has changed the table definition...".
This has been corrected
Codeunit 80 Sales-Post
Codeunit 90 Purch.-Post
A149) Item Tracking is not Filtering on Bin Code
Lot or Serial tracked items in "normal" locations (= locations without WMS) could not be linked to sales orders lines due to a 0 calculated quantity.
This has been corrected
Codeunit 6500 Item Tracking Management
VSA reference: 8429522
A150) Couldn’t Run Job Scheduler if Language Other Than English
It was not possible to start the Job Scheduler if language settings were other than English.
This has been corrected
Table 5980 Job Scheduler Mgt. Setup
VSA reference: 8370850
A151) Field 'Reserved Pick & Ship Qty' not Updated as Expected
The code loop that updates the reservation entries was not executed because of a wrong set exit criteria.
This has been corrected
Table 5767 Warehouse Activity Line
Errors fixed
A152) When Releasing a Firm Planned Prod. Order an Error Appeared
Posting automatic consumption failed with error message: "Assertion Failed: Reservation Entry".
This error would occur if Forward flushing method was used together with item tracking. Now the posting displays message "Lot number/ Serial number is required for item".
This has been corrected
Codeunit 99000838 Prod. Order Comp.-Reserve
VSA reference: 8409813
A153) Planning Ignores Production Orders with Registered Picks
The problem was caused by the priority on supply orders. Currently the system prioritizes demand and supply on Due Date only.
To have right order ("Released" > "Firm planned" > "Planned") of production orders, the system used descending order. Due to this the second PO was calculated as the first.
Each status of PO is sorted by number of PO and the highest priority has "Released" then "Firm planned".
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