When exporting a budget to Excel the user could type anything in the dimension fields. Dimension values are now exported to excel and a Excel validation rule has been setup to verify the selection.
This has been corrected
Report 82 Export Budget to Excel
Table 370 Excel Buffer
A23) Code Overflow In Analysis by Dimensions
In cases where changing the lines of the Analysis by Dimensions form to Location, an error could accour if the line choosen before the change had a code value greater then 10 characters.
This has been corrected
Codeunit 7153 Item Analysis Management
VSA reference: 8544560
A24) VAT Amount Missing On Sales Return Order
Receive and invoicing of a sales return order have in some cases been carried out without calculation of VAT. It could happen if the unit amount included a VAT amount below 1.
This has been corrected
Table 37 Sales Line
A25) Wrong Date Filter on Drill Down From Analysis by Dimensions
When using a Analysis view with datecompression set to period. A drill down from the Analysis by dimensions would set a incorrect datefilter for the G/L entries.
This has been corrected
Codeunit 413 AnalysisViewEntryToGLEntries
VSA reference: 8531989
KB article reference: 921919
A26) Unused key in Table 17
The key Close income statement ID is not used anymore and is removed.
This has been corrected
Table 17 G/L Entry
A27) Codeunit Dimension Management Had Unused Functions
Codeunit 408 DimensionManagement contained functions which were not used.
This has been corrected
Codeunit 408 DimensionManagement
VSA reference: 8359102
A28) Lookup From Dimension Selection - Value Filter Failed
When already having applied a filter in the Dimension Value filter field of the Dimension Selection-Change form and the total number of characters exceeded the limit of the characters in the Dimension value table - an error occurred.
This has been corrected
Form 567 Dimension Selection-Change
VSA reference: 8419780
A29) Force Doc. Balance Was Too Restrictive
When posting a G/L Journal batch with more lines on the same customer/Vendor and a G/L line with no VAT, The system displayer an error stating that the user could not post on more then one Customer/Vendor and post VAT on the same document number.
This has been corrected
Codeunit 13 Gen. Jnl.-Post Batch
VSA reference: 8546264
A30) Text Overflow From Dimension Name In Intercompany
Dimension name in Intercompany was smaller than dimension name in the dimension value table.
This has been corrected
Table 412 IC Dimension Value
VSA reference: 8389302
A31) Not Possible To Rename Intrastat Jnl. Batch
It was not possible to rename Intrastat Jnl. Batches.
This has been corrected
Table 263 Intrastat Jnl. Line
VSA reference: 8378194
A32) Too Few Characters in Bank Account No. on Company Information
In some cases 20 characters was not enough to hold the entire bank account for a company.
This has been corrected
Table 79 Company Information
A33) Column Header Not Updated
A missing reset of a variable caused a wrong update of the Column header.
This has been corrected
Codeunit 8 AccSchedManagement
VSA reference: 8248058
A34) Wrong General Business Posting Group on Purchase Header
In cases where a Pay-to Vendor is used with another Gen. Business Posting Group then the Buy-from Vendor the Gen. Business Posting Group would not be updated with the information from the Pay-to Vendor.
This has been corrected
Table 38 Purchase Header
VSA reference: 8362645 & 8391858
A35) New Field: T_5612_63: Ignore Def. Ending Book Value, Type Boolean
It was not possible to insert a ‘0’ value in the “Ending Book Value” for a fixed asset from the “Fixed Asset Card” if the “Default Ending Book Value” was different from ‘0’.
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