Метафора в аграрному інтернет-дискурсі та особливості її перекладу з англійської мови українською, страница 18

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In recent years the phenomenon of metaphor has been widely investigated  as an

important component of scientific-technical texts. This is due to the fact that a huge number of metaphorical terms and expressions are emerging in the language in order to give names to new concepts and phenomena on the one hand, and to reflect dynamics of lively language functioning in scientific-technical communicational sphere on the other.

Thus, on the modern stage of scientific-technical progress the necessity of comprehensive scientific-technical language study of metaphorical units has arisen. The given term paper is devoted to the phenomenon of metaphor in scientific and technical agricultural terminology and metaphorical means translation peculiarities.

The work consists of two major parts: theoretical basics of the investigation and translation of metaphors and its peculiarities.

The theoretical part of the work considers peculiarities of metaphor as a notion, and classifications of metaphors as to their semantic and structural features.

Ways of translation, lexical and stylistic difficulties connected with the translation of metaphors and image-bearing expressions are clarified in the second section.

In the conclusion it is stated that metaphorical units are not so widely used in the Ukrainian language as they are in English hereupon the contextual translation is the most appropriate one.