Гемостатические, эндотелиальные и липопротеиновые параметры и кровяное давление выравниваются в женщинах с историей преэклампсии, страница 22

AU: Naicker-T; Randeree-IG; Moodley-J; Khedun-SM; Ramsaroop-R; Seedat-YK

AD: Electron Microscope Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Natal, Congella, South Africa.

SO: Nephron. 1997; 75(2): 201-7


AB: This study morphometrically evaluates the glomerular anionic charge and examines the renal pathology in African women with early-onset pre-eclampsia. Polyethyleneimine-labelled anionic sites were decreased within the glomerular basement membrane in the early-onset pre-eclampsia group as compared with the control group (p < or = 0.02). A strong correlation (r = -0.76) was obtained between the number of anionic sites and the severity of proteinuria. Renal biopsy specimens revealed the coexistence of decreased glomerular charge with pathology of glomerular basement membrane, endothelial cells, foot processes, and mesangial cell proliferation. The loss of glomerular charge induces structural alterations of the glomerular filtration barrier and may be the mechanism responsible for proteinuria in early-onset pre-eclampsia.

: Это изучение morphometrically оценивает гломерулярный anionic, заряжают, и исследует почечную патологию в африканских женщинах с ранне-исходной преэклампсией. polyethyleneimine - Маркированный anionic участки были уменьшены в пределах гломерулярной подвальной мембраны в начале - исходные группы А преэклампсии по сравнению с контрольной группой (p < или = 0.02). Сильная корреляция (r =-0.76) была получена между количеством(номером) anionic участков и серьезности протеинурии. Почечные экземпляры биопсии показали сосуществование сниженной гломерулярной нагрузки(обвинения) с патологией гломерулярных подвальных мембранных, эндотелиальных ячеек, процессов фута(ноги), и mesangial пролиферации ячейки. Потеря гломерулярной нагрузки(обвинения) стимулирует структурные альтерации гломерулярного барьера фильтрации и может быть механизм, ответственный за протеинурию в ранне-исходной преэклампсии.

TI: Increased maternal plasma levels of soluble adhesion molecules (ICAM-1, VCAM-1, E-selectin) in preeclampsia.

: Увеличенные материнские плазменные уровни растворимых молекул спайки (ICAM-1, VCAM-1, e - Селектин) в преэклампсии.

AU: Austgulen-R; Lien-E; Vince-G; Redman-CW

AD: University of Trondheim, University Medical Center, Norway.

SO: Eur-J-Obstet-Gynecol-Reprod-Biol. 1997 Jan; 71(1): 53-8


AB: The physiological significance of soluble adhesion molecules has not been elucidated but it has been reported that a number of cytokines may increase the cleavage of soluble adhesion molecules. The fact that preeclampsia is associated with both increased cytokine concentrations and endothelial cell damage led us to analyse levels of soluble adhesion molecules in preeclamptic women and to compare these levels to the disease state. Since the cytokine network is altered by reproduction, the present study also raised the question as to whether levels of soluble adhesion molecules differ between pregnant and non-pregnant women, and whether variations occur with relation to gestational age or delivery. Levels of soluble adhesion molecules (intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), E-selectin) in 25 preeclamptic women were compared to those in healthy pregnant women matched for age, parity and gestation, and the levels of soluble adhesion molecules of 40 healthy pregnant women at different gestational ages were determined and compared to those of 15 non-pregnant women. Concentrations were measured by ELISAs. Levels of ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and E-selectin concentrations were elevated in preeclamptic pregnancies, whereas serum levels in normal pregnancy did not differ from those of non-pregnant women. No changes were observed in relation to gestational age or delivery.