Гемостатические, эндотелиальные и липопротеиновые параметры и кровяное давление выравниваются в женщинах с историей преэклампсии, страница 10

TI: Intra- and early postpartum ultrasonography: a review. Part II.

Внутри - и рано послеродовая ультраэхография: обзор. Часть II.

AU: Sherer-DM; Abulafia-O; Anyaegbunam-AM

AD: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology & Women's Health, Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY 10461, USA.

SO: Obstet-Gynecol-Surv. 1998 Mar; 53(3): 181-90


AB: Part II is a continuation of the preceding segment, which appeared in the previous issue (Survey 1998;53:000-000). This part presents data pertaining to ultrasound-guided procedures (invasive and noninvasive), physiology (fetal behavior), intrapartum hemorrhage, the third stage of labor, post-partum hemorrhage, and postcaesarean ultrasonography. In addition, this article includes data regarding nonobstetric ultrasound including anesthesiology, catheter placement, venous air embolism, effect of epidural anesthesia on uterine blood flow, and urinary retention. Finally, this part presents ultrasonographic data of the maternal cerebral circulation in preeclampsia/eclampsia and of the maternal deep venous system.

: Часть II - продолжение предшествующего сегмента, который появился в предыдущей проблеме(выпуске,исходе) (1998 Обзора; 53:000-000). Эта часть представляет данные, имеющие отношение к управляемым ультразвуком процедурам (инвазивный и атравматичный), физиология (эмбриональное поведение), интранатальное кровотечение, третья стадия родов, послеродового кровотечения, и ультраэхографии постмонархиста. Кроме того, эта статья(изделие) включает данные относительно неакушерского ультразвука, включая анестезиологию, размещение зонда(катетера), венозную воздушную эмболию, эффект эпидуральной анастезии на утробном кровотоке, и мочевом задержании. Наконец, эта часть представляет ultrasonographic данные материнского мозгового кровообращения в преэклампсии/эклампсии и материнской глубокой венозной системы.

TI: Clinical correlations of patterns of placental pathology in preterm pre-eclampsia.

: Клинические корреляции структур плацентарной патологии в preterm преэклампсии.

AU: Salafia-CM; Pezzullo-JC; Ghidini-A; Lopez-Zeno-JA; Whittington-SS

AD: Department of Pathology, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington DC, USA.

SO: Placenta. 1998 Jan; 19(1): 67-72


AB: The objective of this study was to determine if placental histopathology patterns are associated with clinical features of preterm pre-eclampsia. A 1989-1993 database of consecutive non-anomalous singleton livebirths delivered at 22-32 weeks gestation excluding cases of maternal diabetes mellitus and chronic hypertension included 74 cases of pre-eclampsia. Placentae were scored for uteroplacental vascular lesions and lesions of chronic inflammation and coagulation. Thirteen lesion patterns identified by factor analysis were studied in relation to the clinical features. Severe maternal proteinuria was related to placental chronic inflammation, while lower maternal antepartum platelet counts were related to placental abruption and infarct. Lower birthweight percentile and lighter placentae were related directly to uteroplacental vascular lesions. Diagnosis of HELLP and coagulopathy were less common when chronic inflammation scores were high. Serologic studies related to autoimmunity and maternal blood pressures were unrelated to placental histopathology factors. It is concluded that features of maternal and fetal compromise in preterm pre-eclampsia are related to placental histopathology patterns.