At powerup,
deasserting ACRST
from the cold state causes the BITCLK master to start, but the controller
does not necessarily start generating SYNC pulses until it is enabled. The
state in which BITCLK
is running but SYNC
is halted is called IDLE.
When powered down, a wakeup protocol is defined using the SDI pins. Wakeups are signalled using SDI Slot 12 Bit 0 during the running state; wakeups are signalled using a high level on SDI during all other states. If it is enabled to do so, the controller can restart the link upon receiving this wakeup signal.
For more information about AC’97 power modes, refer to “AC’97 Codec Port” on page 9-1.
The powerdown interrupt is never masked, although it can be disabled with the DIS INTS instruction. It is possible to use this interrupt for other purposes if desired. The processor does not go into powerdown until an IDLE instruction is executed. If an RTI is executed before the IDLE instruction, then the processor returns from the powerdown interrupt and the powerdown sequence is aborted.
It is possible to place a series of instructions at the powerdown interrupt vector location 0x002C. This routine should end with an RTI instruction and should not contain an IDLE instruction if the interrupt is to be used for purposes other than powerdown.
Analog Devices DSP emulators use the JTAG test access port of the ADSP-2192 processor to monitor and control the target board processor during emulation. The emulator provides full-speed emulation, allowing inspection and modification of memory, registers, and processor stacks. Non-intrusive in-circuit emulation is assured by the use of the processor’s JTAG interface; the emulator does not affect target system loading or timing.
Note that the ADSP-2192 JTAG port does not support boundary scan.
For more information about JTAG emulation, see the “JTAG Test-Emulation Port” on page 10-1.
To make it easier to evaluate the ADSP-219x DSP family for your application, Analog Devices sells the ADSP-2192 EZ-KIT Lite™. This kit provides developers with a cost-effective method for evaluating of the ADSP-219x family of DSPs.
The EZ-KIT Lite includes an ADSP-2192 DSP evaluation board and fundamental debugging software. The evaluation board in this kit contains an ADSP-2192 digital signal processor, Audio type Codec, breadboard area, Flag LED, Reset/Interrupt/Flag push buttons, and ADSP-2192 peripheral port connectors. The peripheral connectors include a JTAG test and emulation port connector that supports the Analog Devices emulators and PCI and USB connections.
The ADSP-2192 EZ-KIT Lite comes with an evaluation suite of the VisualDSP++ integrated development environment with the C/C++ compiler, assembler, and linker that supports typical debug functions, including memory/register read and write, halt, run, and single step. The use of all software tools is limited to the EZ-KIT Lite product.
For more information, refer to the documentation shipped with the EZ-KIT Lite.
The text High-Speed Digital Design: A Handbook of Black Magic is recommended for further reading. This book is a technical reference that covers the problems encountered in state-of-the-art, high-frequency digital circuit design, and is an excellent source of information and practical ideas. Topics covered in the book include:
• High-Speed Properties of Logic Gates
• Measurement Techniques
• Transmission Lines
• Ground Planes and Layer Stacking
• Terminations
• Vias
• Power Systems • Connectors
• Ribbon Cables
• Clock Distribution
• Clock Oscillators
Reference: Johnson and Graham, High-Speed Digital Design: A Handbook of Black Magic, Prentice Hall, Inc., ISBN 0-13-395724-1
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