Roads, sidewalks & traffic - Financial Advice |
get acquainted with TPL. However, what if an out of towner wanted a year-long card-would the annual cost still be $100 or would it be less? / Exhibition Place--nice place by the water but aside from the Direct Energy Centre, are all the buildings in year round use? How is that new hotel/conference space doing financially? When can Torontonians expect to get affordable tickets to a Toronto FC game? |
230. |
Tax the circulation of cars in the downtown; this will reduce congestion and increase revenue. |
231. |
toll roads for all the commuters who use city resources when they drive in every day |
232. |
Reduce the salaries of all city councillors by 20% and make all members of council accountable for overspending. Bonuses should be reduced to 0 and all city employees should pay for their own lunch and parking. Increase fines for littering and parking violations as well as service fees for residents of wealthy areas of the city. Increase taxes for waterfront properties and increase fines for companies that pollute our lakes and air. If your business requires extra policing and city resources you should be billed a surcharge of 15%. All city services should be accountable by posting budget reports and services on-line. With power comes great responsibility -- managers at city hall should be responsible for their employees and accountable for the actions of those they hire...not the other way around. Services that bring in revenue to the city should never be privatized. If the motive of the private sector is profit then it stands to reason that only services that are profitable will be privatized. Selling the cities resources will not reduce our expenses. Be fair and honest and the future will reward you. |
233. |
Bike lanes where you don't have to worry about being hit by a car or car door. People who bike take cars off the road which car drivers like too! |
234. |
the city should not fund its services through parking fines.... parking should be a legitimate way to control traffic on streets -- not in effect a tax to pay for services. if the services cost so much, asses taxes or user fees to cover these costs. dealing with parking services in this city is one of the most unpleasant aspects of toronto. |
235. |
I resent the bias of this survey, the (subtle) portrayal of property taxes as an optional funding resource. The reality is that property taxes = service and lower property taxes = lesser service. Why not consider other additional resources like road tolls? Or congestion fees for downtown driving? (I can already hear cries of "war on drivers" but, in truth, don't we all subsidize them now?) |
236. |
I really thought that vehicle registration tax was a good thing and should not have been ended. It was a poor choice and largely motivated by a desire to win elections and destroying a legacy than trying to balance the city budget. It was not a perfect solution but raising property taxes is not going to make anyone happy either. Perhaps if the downtown express ways and roads had some sort of a toll system. / |
237. |
There is no mention of potential revenue streams for example I would support tolls on major roads in and out of the City. I also support the vehicle registration fee. Why are these options not on the list? / / I also believe that some harmonizing may be possible between EMS, Fire and Police - why do 3 trucks, cruisers and ambulance |
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