Roads, sidewalks & traffic - Other Important Issues |
37. |
I believe that Torontonians are taxed to death !!! We need some relief. The recently implemented Land Transfer Tax is an example of this. Homeowners are constantly bombarded with new and/or increasing taxes. Citizens should not be penalized for owning property in Toronto. We can only take so much. Then the increasing cost of gasoline is a big strain. We need cars in this city to get around, even with a public transportation system. Our geography and climate demand the use of automobiles. We should be more tolerant and prepared for the increasing number of vehicles on the roads. Roads should be maintained more regularly and more efficiently. |
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Reliable and affordable public transportation / Reducing gridlock on roads through better design of transportation flows / Assessing opportunities to stop low value work in city departments and/or outsourcing non core functions like road and water main repairs |
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Education/after school programs, bike lanes, affordable housing, less bickering in city hall--act like adults |
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road maintenance, Why it takes some many people standing around and 1 person doing the work, Let's make Toronto 'pretty' again. Get rid of the weeds and plant more flowers. |
41. |
More transparent and fair hiring procedures at the Toronto District School Boards. Public nepotism is disturbing! / More funds for post-secondary education. / LCBO and Beer stores should be eliminated. In the 21st century you should be able to buy alcohol at any store. / More bike lanes. / |
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Stabilizing taxes, privatizing 400 series highways (toll roads) to reduce congestion and increase efficiency, remove the land transfer tax. |
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- Cycling infrastructure on city roads / - Continued support of Waterfront-Toronto initiatives! / |
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Fix the roads and reduce congestion and stop spending on stupid things like extraduty for cops standing around like idiots in a construction site. Makes it look like they work for the people who are paying for the duty rather than serving the people of Toronto. |
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City planning--making sure as the population density of areas increases, the services increase simultaneously ,i.e. grocery stores ,facilities, etc, are included in high-density residential constructions so as to cut down on area traffic & increase local vitality. / Heritage protection--making sure our older structures are better protected from wanton demolition & wilful neglect and are integrated instead of destroyed. / Accessibility watch--currently there is no supervision of accessibility compliance to make sure businesses all over the city are doing their best to comply. Supervision needs to be under the guidance of actual disabled people. / Real estate ownership-buyers/builders of residential structures should be actual residents/citizens. / More apartment/family-friendly buildings--as in city planning. / Rent control--bring it back. |
46. |
safer bike lanes |
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