39. |
Are we or are we not Ontario's financial powerhouse? Can we get more money from the province and federal level to repair our infrastructure and expand smart growth of the city? |
40. |
Please work to reduce congestion and also make biking safer! |
41. |
Please think of long term impact to city with the vision of building an economically prosperous, sustainable, environmentally green, culturally vibrant, socially equitable city that is globally competitive. / / With that in mind, please ensure that decisions are not focused only on short term solutions to reduce the city's budget. There are policies and investments that should be made to continue to work toward our city's vision and future - such as: / 1. Public transportation (keep it cheap or free for users) / 2. Waterfront redevelopment - make it breathtakingly beautiful, accessible, liveable and a great place to live work and play / 3. Traffic congestion - provide increased incentives to take public transportation; introduce tolls at highway gateways into Toronto to pay for improved highways and public transportation / 4. High speed public transportation route from downtown to Pearson airport / 5. Increase support for culture to $25 per capita / 6. Use Design standards and review panels for any new development in the city to ensure it will look fabulous and integrate with overall vision for the city / 7. Protect and adaptive reuse of heritage buildings (including schools) / 8. In-year Property tax breaks for increasing environmental efficiencies of homes or condos (negotiate that Province/Feds reimburse city for cost) / 9. Community cultural and recreational centres and accessible programs (* youth, seniors) in all neighbourhoods across the city / 10. Invest in city's festivals and events as they bring life, celebration, visitors and help brand our city / |
42. |
I would sure like you to make those disgusting environmentally disastrous leaf blowers illegal; they are bad for the worker's health and for the public's ears; and, why clean the sidewalks with those silly machines; employ more people to do the sweeping of sidewalks - that increases jobs and it uses less obnoxious smelly and noisy machines; do anything to make this city quieter!!! |
43. |
1. Prioritize addressing problems that cost the most in the long term. I'll still vote for the mayor who runs a short-term deficit if he/she stands a good chance of achieving a surplus a few years down the road. 2. Be careful of what you cut now, it costs twice as much to rebuild it later. |
44. |
Maintain our livable urban core, no new road network expansion. |
45. |
Don't contract out our City Services. Spending money on cleaning up some-one's "idea" of Graffiti (which is street art really) could be done away with. The city could save there. Using city workers to repair and maintain the roads will also save money because they would do a better job. |
46. |
Accessibility - especially for elderly and disabled. Sidewalks have bumpy ramps/curbs - get disabled individuals to test them out. This city is not getting any younger and cities such as Barcelona are miles ahead of us. |
47. |
Keep up the good work, don't contract things out, fix the potholes, and raise taxes to do it! |
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