Roads, sidewalks and transportation services. To begin, what do you think are the most important issues facing our city in 2011, страница 42

Roads, sidewalks & traffic - Other Important Issues


Stop renaming landmarks, we already lost the skydome, please don't start selling ad space on the CN or changing its name. Its cheap, tacky and wrong.  /  / Also, the city needs to be much safer for cyclists. Your literature re: the environment encourages people to use public transportation and cycle, but then the roads are a deathtrap. I would never ever bike in the city. I've seen several people hit by cars. There has got to be a better way that this.  How many people have to die?


tolls/taxes for people, cars, commuters coming into the city (downtown) etc for using city roads --> in order to pay for maintenance etc, avoid congestion, pollution and hopefully increase the number of people cycling, walking etc to their destinations /  / more community spaces and gardens for public use


The amount of traffic because of all the cars. We need more bike lanes.


Community programs and events to promote social cohesion across age, class, gender, and cultural boundaries / Traffic, congestion and parking /  / 


expansion and improvement of cycling infrastructure to help aid with congestion and the general health and well being of the citizens of the city.


Incentives for businesses to come and or stay in Toronto. An a efficient transportation system demonstrating to a potential business that their employees can live and work in the City without dealing with traffic congestion. Toronto must stay competitive on the visitor market - supporting arts and culture is key to our international reputation. 


Parking System is antiquated.  Meter boxes take long time to use Credit Cards.  Parking enforcement is too aggressive.  / SIGNAGE IS NOT CLEAR! Refreshing the meter should be able to be done online or from any machine (i.e. Montreal). / Free parking should be universally advertised for 905 guest and start @ 8pm.


Increase bike lanes and the safety of bike lanes


Bike lanes


traffic congestion


increase bike lanes.


The condition of the roads in the downtown core is terrible. There are not enough bike lanes and too many cars. Getting around in this city is a daily hazard. The subway system is overcrowded and unreliable. Standing at a bus stop at the scheduled time is by no means a guarantee that the bus will come at all! City employees are overpaid and underworked. 


Toronto should have a better way of unifying itself, there should not be pockets of shanties among corporate owned businesses. People should be able to work together, and the city should work towards unifying the space and creating a safe accessible place for all people, no matter what area or time of day. Well lit places, wayfinding, and security measures to help people feel secure are a must. PROPER bike lanes that are concerned with the safety of the CYCLISTS rather than the efficiency of the drivers, is a MUST.


Replacement for High Park dirt jumps. Better signage on city roads and highways.


bike lanes, increase funding per person for the arts.