Проектирование специализированного микроконтроллера, реализующего полнофункциональную RSA схему шифрования, страница 21

                              c_has_rfd => 0,

                              c_yclk_is_rising => 1,

                              c_has_we => 0,

                              c_sinit_value => "0",

                              c_has_limit_data_pitch => 0,

                              c_enable_rlocs => 0,

                              c_has_din => 0,

                              c_write_mode => 0);


U0 : wrapped_prime_rom

               port map (

                              addr => addr,

                              clk => clk,

                              dout => dout,

                              en => en);

END prime_rom_a;

-- synopsys translate_on



Исходный код файла

► myRSA.java


   Author: Bobby Kenny

   Email:  borrisoleigh@hotmail.com

   Implementation of the RSA Algorithm:

   Program Computes Public and Private keys.

   The user then inputs an integer to be encrypted

   using the private key. Ths encrypted integer is

   then decrypted and is compared with the original


   Modification note for using this program: Qian Wan

   Email: qw2@cec.wustl.edu

   Since the author's original Console class cannot be found, so hardcoded inputs are used here at:

   int bitlen = 2048 ;


   BigInteger big = new BigInteger("76901036849173733f27cc96762e1757c5de96983f5f4cee8032554ebc3e........


import java.lang.*;

import java.math.BigInteger;

import java.security.SecureRandom;

import java.io.*;

class BigExtendedEuclid


    // We Want to obtain the gcd(a,b)

    //         a            b            0             1              1              0

    public BigInteger[] EE(BigInteger a, BigInteger b, BigInteger c, BigInteger d, BigInteger e, BigInteger f)


               if (b.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO)==0)


                              BigInteger[] ret  = {BigInteger.ZERO, BigInteger.ZERO, BigInteger.ZERO};

                              ret[0] = a; // gcd(a,b)

                              ret[1] = e; // coefficient of a

                              ret[2] = f; // coefficient of b

                              return ret;




                              Return EE(b, a.mod(b), e.subtract((a.divide(b)).multiply(c)), f.subtract((a.divide(b)).multiply(d)), c, d);




class MillerRabin


    public int primeT(BigInteger pval)


               BigInteger [] qandm = getqm(pval);

               BigInteger qval =qandm[0];

               BigInteger neg = new BigInteger("-1");

               if (qval.compareTo(neg)==0)return 0;

               SecureRandom r = new SecureRandom();

               BigInteger bval = new BigInteger(pval.bitLength(),r);


               BigInteger mval =qandm[1];

               BigInteger two = new BigInteger("2");

               BigInteger pminusone = pval.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);

               if (bval.modPow(mval,pval).compareTo(BigInteger.ONE)==0)return 1;

               BigInteger j = BigInteger.ZERO;

               BigInteger indexval = mval;

               while (j.compareTo(qval)<0)


                              if (pminusone.compareTo(bval.modPow(indexval,pval))==0)return 1;

                              indexval = indexval.multiply(two);

                              j = j.add(BigInteger.ONE);                                         


               return 0;


    public BigInteger createPrime(int bitlength, int numTests)


               SecureRandom r = new SecureRandom();

               BigInteger p = new BigInteger(bitlength,r);

               int h = 0;

               while(h < numTests)



                              else h++;


               if(h==numTests)return p;

               else return createPrime(bitlength, numTests);


    public BigInteger [] getqm(BigInteger p)