Практична граматика англійської мови для першокурсників. Частина II: Навчально-методичний посібник з граматики, страница 23

We must stop the destruction now, before it is too late! 


1.  Reported questions are usually introduced with the following verbs or expressions:

·  to ask       

·  to inquire 

·  I wonder …/He wonders… / She wonders…/ They wonder    …

·  I (we, they) want to know           /She wants to know

·  I (he, she they) would like to know …

·  Can/could you tell me …?

·  Do you know…?

e.g. I ask you where you have been.

                              She wonders who helps you with you housework.

                              Do you know how long the Smiths have been living in Glasgow?

                              Can you tell me who has broken the window?

2.  When the direct question begins with a question word

·  who?

·  where?

·  how old?

·  how long ?

·  when?

·  why?

·  how much?

·  how many?

·  how long?

·  what? 

the reported question is introduced with the same question word.

e.g.   ‘Where does you sister live?’ – I wonder where your sister lives. = Интересно, где живет твоя сестра.

                    ‘How much do these shoes cost?’ – Can (Could) you tell me how much these shoes cost? =  Вы не могли бы мне сказать, сколько стоят эти туфли?

3.  When the direct question begins with an auxiliary, link verb  or a modal verb, then the reported question begins with the conjunctions if or whether

e.g. 'Have you seen this man before?' – I wonder if/ whether you have seen the man before.  = Интересно, вы видели этого человека раньше. = Интересно, видели ли вы этого человека раньше.

                 ‘Is he the man you are looking for?’ – Can you tell me if/ whether he is the man you are looking for? = Можете вы мне сказать, тот ли это человек, которого вы ищете?

4.  In reported questions, the word order is direct like in statements and auxiliary verbs are not used.

                e.g.  ‘Do you like horror films?’ – I wonder if you like horror films.

                 ‘What is your favourite sport?’ – Can you tell me what your favourite sport is?

5.  The question mark and words/expressions such as please, well, oh, etc. are omitted. The verb tenses, pronouns and time expressions change as in statements.

e.g. ‘Where does Sarah live?’ – I wonder where Sarah lives

                              ‘How much work have you already done?’ –

                              Could you tell me how much work you have already done?

      “Where are you going?’ – I ask you where you are going..

6.  Russian question beginning with the main clause ‘Как ты думаешь...’ can be translated into English in two ways according to the communicative type of questions that follow the main clause. Compare:

General questions

(begin with ‘Do you think…’)

Special Questions

(begin with a question word)

Как ты думаешь, Мария любит розы?

= Do you think Maria likes roses?

Как ты думаешь, будет ли завтра лекция по Истории Украины? =

Do you think there will be a lecture in History of Ukraine tomorrow?

Как ты думаешь, какие цветы любит Мария? = What flowers do you think Maria likes?

Как ты думаешь, какая лекция будет завтра вместо Истории Украины? =

What lecture do you think there will be tomorrow instead of History of Ukraine?

*TASK 32.  Turn the following into reported questions.

Part A

Marion meets a couple who are on holiday in London. They are looking at a map. She asks them some questions. Turn them into reported questions. Use the openings offered in the box. Follow the example.

  I wonder…                           Could/Can you tell me …                  I’d like to know …

Example: Marion: "Are you lost?' – I wonder if you are lost.

  1. Do you speak English?
  2. What country are you from?
  3. Is your hotel near here?
  4. How long have you been in London?
  5. Are you looking for Big Ben?
  6. Have you been to the British Museum?
  7. Do you know anything about Buckingham Palace?
  8. What other places of interest would you like to see?
  9. Are you enjoying your visit to London?
  10.  When are you leaving London?