Практична граматика англійської мови для першокурсників. Частина II: Навчально-методичний посібник з граматики, страница 10

            Когда мой друг живет дома, он не разрешает своей жене и теще проводить на кухне больше получаса. Он полагает, что этого времени вполне достаточно, чтобы приготовить обед из трех блюд. Что же думают по этому поводу его родные? Они стараются не спорить с ним, потому что три месяца, которые он проводит дома, пролетают так быстро, что никто не хочет омрачать их. 

            Когда мой друг снова уезжает, все возвращается на свои места: бабушка и мама часами стоят у плиты и готовят любимые блюда для мальчиков. Скучают ли сыновья за своим отцом, когда он в экспедиции? И да, и нет. С одной стороны, они не хотят расставаться с ним надолго, и очень расстраиваются, когда он пакует свой рюкзак.  Но с другой стороны, в глубине души они рады, что мама и бабушка снова будут кормить их любимыми блюдами. 


Formation:                  to be (am/ is/ are) + present participle

                        e.g.  Why are you sighing? I am thinking about my coming exams.

        Kelly is planning to take up tennis.

        Fred and George are playing snowballs. Why don’t you join them?

Present Continuous is used:

1.  for actions taking place now, at the moment of speaking,

e.g.  What are you doing, Jack? Are you reading a book? – No, I’m getting ready for tomorrow’s grammar test.

2.  for temporary actions; that is, actions that are going on around now, but not at the actual moment of speaking.

e.g.  My older sister is looking for a new job these days. (She is not looking for a job at the moment of speaking.)

3.  to express annoyance, irritation or anger for actions, which happen very often, usually, with adverbs such as: always, constantly, continually, etc.

 e.g.  I'm always meeting Sara when I go shopping, (action which happens very often and the speaker is displeased with it)

                                 You're constantly interrupting me when I'm talking, (expressing annoyance, irritation)

4.  for already arranged future actions, especially when the time and place have been decided.

e.g.  They're moving into their new house next week. (The time has been decided.)

5.  for changing or developing situations,

e.g.  More and more species are becoming extinct. 

       More and more forest are disappearing because of fires.

6.  The present continuous is used with the following time expressions (adverbial modifiers of time:

now                 at the moment            these days                still

today               nowadays                    tonight                       at present

**TASK 11.  Read the extracts below and put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. Then, say what use of these tenses each extract shows.

1.  It seems everything __________ (to change) these days. Cities __________ (to become) bigger and busier every year, technology __________ (to develop) faster than ever before, and scientists _______ (to learn) more about the way things work.

2.  Water __________ (to boil) at 100ºC and __________ (to freeze) when the temperature __________ (to drop) below 0ºC.  Salt water ________  (to be) different, however.

3.  This film _________ (to be) great!  It ________ (to have) an all-star cast and the script _________  (to be) very funny. The action _________ (to begin) when two young men _________ (to try) to rob a bank…

4.  Rogers _________  (to kick) the ball and _________ (to pass) it to Jones.  Jones _________  (to run) down the pitch. He _________ (to pass) the ball to Smith who _________  (to shoot) and _________  (to score)!

5.  Where are you? – I’m in Manchester and it __________ (to pour) with rain. – What you ________ (to do) there? – I _________ (to collect) material for my new article.

6.  You ______ (to see) Ben on Monday or on Friday? – Actually, we ________ (to meet) on Thursday.

7.  I don’t know what to do with Peter. He constantly ________ (to lose) things! It’s the third pair of gloves I _______ (to buy) for him!