Всякое судно, находящееся в пределах порта Фалмут, должно выполнять все указания капитана порта. На больших глубинах становиться на якорь могут только суда с большой осадкой. Судам не следует становиться на якорь между буями, ограждающими стороны фарватера, а также в таких местах, где они будут затруднять свободный-подход к докам, причалам или пирсам.
Все суда должны становиться к причалу, на якорь или на бочки только в месте, указанном капитаном порта. За невыполнение таких указаний капитан судна подвергается штрафу. При постановке на якорь необходимо иметь прикрепленный к якорю буек.
Запрещается швартоваться к навигационным буям или к буям, служащим для-оттягивания судов от причалов.
Запрещается без особого разрешения капитана порта производить в пределах порта траление с целью поиска потерянных якорей или других предметов.
Запрещается выбрасывать за борт в пределах порта твердый балласт, камни ил» мусор. При погрузке или выгрузке твердого балласта обязательно иметь брезенты, спускающиеся с борта судна в баржу, чтобы предотвратить падение этого балласта в воду.
4. Штурманская справка по порту прихода Дьепп ( на английском языке ).
Navigation Dieppe
Dieppe is located on the N coast of France.
Location: Latitude: 49°56'N Longitude: 01 °05'E
Anchorages: The anchorage for vessels waiting to enter Dieppe is in the vicinity of D1 Lightbuoy (E cardinal) (49°57'N 00Г0ТЕ), bottom sand and shingle or sand and shells, good holding ground. There are wrecks close W 0.6nm and 0.3nm SE of the lightbuoy.
A recommended anchorage is 0.4nm ENE of the lightbuoy.
The anchorage is exposed to winds from W, through N to NE and in such conditions vessels may find it preferable to heave to or seek shelter elsewhere.
Pilot: Compulsory within 4.0nm of the jetty heads for all vessels, except those less than 50m in length, which are both equipped with VHF and not carrying dangerous substances or hydrocarbons.
Pilotage is provided by La Seine callsign Pilote Dieppe. Hours are from 2 hours before to 1 hour after HW. Vessels requiring a pilot should give 5 hours notice of their ETA off Dieppe to the pilot station Seine-Rouen-Dieppe, amending their ETA if delayed by 2 hours at least 3 hours before the time of their original ETA.
Pilots board between 1 to 2nm from the jetties. Vessels should not attempt to enter the port if the weather prevents the pilot boarding.
Sea buoys, fairways and channels: The port is entered directly from seaward and entered through a channel maintained at a depth of 5.0m. The harbour entrance has a width of 100m and lies between the heads of 2 converging jetties.
The channel, within the roots of the jetties, is lined with quays, and has a width of 75m and is maintained at 5m.
Tidal range and flow: Range 8. 5m Springs, 4.9m Neaps. Dock density: 1025. Weather: Prevailing winds: Wly.
In strong Wly winds swell rounds Pointe d'Ailly, 5.0nm W of the harbour entrance, and breaks on the beach. In strong winds from NW through to NE the sea is rough at the harbour entrance during the out-going stream there may be a swell in Avant-port.
Principal navigation aids: A light is exhibited from a white tower, with a green top on a building, 7.0m in height, standing at the head of Jetee Ouest.
The front light is exhibited from a white metal framework tower, with a red top, 15m in height, standing at the head of the E jetty, 360m SE of the harbour entrance.
Notre Dame de Bon Secours (49°56.0'N 001°05.4'E) a chapel with a large belfry, standing on the cliffs close S of Pointe de Femme Grosse. A light (red and white structure, height 4m) stands in front of the chapel. Radio mast (49°55.0'N 001°08.0'E).
Traffic schemes: International Port Traffic Signals are displayed from: The signal masts at the root of Jetty West The station on the W side of the harbour
The repeating stations at the entrances to Arriere-port, Bassin Duquesne and Bassin du Canada.
Dredgers: When dredgers are operating or the channel is obstructed, a yellow light is displayed at the same level and to the right of the main signal.
Ferries: A green light above and to the right of the main signal indicates the entry of a ferry, and a red light similarly displayed, a ferry departure.
Generally vessels departing the port have priority.
Vessels over 1,600GT or carrying either dangerous substances or hydrocarbons should contact the signal station on VHF Ch 16 before entering the port.
All vessels should contact Harbour Master 24
hours before arrival at Lt Buoy Dl including: A | ETA at Light Buoy Dl
All vessels should contact Harbour Master on arrival in Dieppe Roads.
Restrictions: The port is only accessible to large vessels, other than cross-channel ferries, from 2 hours before until 1 hour after HW, due to the strength of the tidal streams across the entrance.
Tugs: Two tugs are available for berthing if required.
General Information
General overview: The port consists of 2 moles enclosing a harbour area of 12ha. The Outer Harbour covers 5ha and has 870m of quayage. The Inner Harbour covers 4ha and 150m of quayage. The port also has 4 docks which are used for handling cross channel Ro-Ro, bulk, fishing and general cargo vessels. Traffic figures: Approx 1,300,000t of cargo handled annually.
Load Line zone: North Atlantic Winter Seasonal Zone II, Winter Nov 1 to Mar 31, Summer Apr 1 to Oct 31. Max size: Max LOA 160m, beam 24m, draught 9.5m. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Repairs: Available.
Docking facilities: There is a drydock on the W side of Arriere-Port handling vessels up to LOA 120m, beam 17m and draught 6m. Also a ship lift with cradles, capacity 31 Ot.
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