Grammar: Ways of Expressing the Future; Prepositions of Time, Place and Direction; Numerals; Adjective; Adverb; Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs, страница 11

6.  Sitcoms get huge numbers of viewers, but the figues for documentaries are much lower.

Sitcoms … than documentaries.

7.  At the moment Metallist have 35 points. No other club has more than 25.

Metallist … points.

8.  There are a lot of passengers on the buses in the daytime, but not so many in the evenings.

In the evenings … on the buses.

9.  Nokia has made very little profit. I fact it has made less than any other company.

Nokia … profit.

10.  The President has quite a lot of pwer. The Prime Minister doesn't have as much.

The Prime Minister … than the President.

11.  The fifth year students speak English better than the freshmen.

The freshmen … than the fifth year students.

40.   Write a second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the previous one. Use the words in brackets.

A. 1. Plastic isn't as expensive as wood. (more) 2. Sunday is less busy than other days. (least) 3. Paul is the same height as Nick. (tall) 4. My new job is more interesting by far. (much) 5. For this job a computer is superior to a tablet. (better) 6. The ground was very hard. (iron) 7. Physics is more complicated than mathematics. (less) 8. I've nevr seen a nicer view than this. (nicest) 9. The room doesn't look as small as it it did. (bigger) 10. I think it'll be more convenient to go by air than by train. (as) 11. A yard isn't as long as a meter. (than) 12. I'm not as clever as you are. (you're) 13. A computer would calculate a more precise figure. (more) 14. This year the first snow came earlier than last year. (last) 15. I've never heard anything more ridiculous. (that's)

B. 1. The crowd became increasingly happy at the appearance of Madonna. (the faster) 2. The value of a picture depends on how famous the artist is. (the more valuable) 3. I don't spend much time with my friends because I work so hard. (the less) 4. The traffic moves very slowly as more cars come into the city. (the more) 5. The idea becomes less attractive as I think about it more. (the less attractive) 6. How well I sleep depends on how late I go to bed. (the later) 7. How much petrol a car uses depends on the size of the engine. (the bigger) 8. How much you sweat depends on how hot you get. (the more) 9. How reliable a computer is depends on what it costs. (the more expensive) 10. How well you pass exams depends on how much you revise for them. (the better)

41.   Translate the following sentences from Russian into English paying attention to the adjectives and adverbs and their degrees of comprison.

1. Что может быть лучше чашки горячего ароматного чая? 2. Сегодня эта задача кажется мне гораздо сложнее, чем вчера. 3. Чем легче задача, тем меньше времени требуется на ее решение. 4. В этом году мы изучаем меньше дисциплин, чем в прошлом, но сдаем больше экзаменов. 5. Чем интереснее проект, тем труднее от него оторваться. 6. Если ты хочешь больше успевать, ты должен быть более собранным. 7. Эта цена за планшет кажется мне более разумной, чем первоначальная. 8. Последующие его инструкции звучали еще более странно. 9. Магазин, который мы искали, оказался самым дальним. 10. Никто не будет спорить, что самый удобный вид транспорта — метро. 11. Хотя мы ровесники, он любит поучать меня, как будто он в два раза старше меня. 12. Чем больше вы работаете, тем больше времени нужно проводить на свежем воздухе. 13. К сожалению, даже самая современная техника может ломаться. 14. Возьми зонт, идет сильный дождь. 15. Как бы там ни было, она успешно справилась с заданием. 16. Она часто пишет диктанты лучше всех в группе. 17. Она широко улыбнулась при его появлении. 18. Я совершенно  не понимаю его. 19. Я знаю, где можно купить такой смартфон дешевле. 20. Решение должно быть принято как можно быстрее.