Nonverbal communication and culture. Identity, stereotypes and prejudices, страница 35

The Analects (Literary collections). Confucius did not write down his philosophy. Therefore, the details of his teaching have come to us through his disciples. The most influential and far reaching of these collections is the Analects. This book was not written in a systematic and structured fashion. Instead what it contains are the aphorisms, sayings, proverbs, and the like that the disciples believed to be the most salient ideas of Confucian philosophy, ideas so important that they helped shape the thoughts and actions of countless people through the centuries.

Important Teachings.As we have already indicated, in somewhat general terms Confucianism teaches that the proper and suitable foundation for society is based on respect for human dignity. That respect stressed the proper hierarchy in social relationships between family members, community, and superiors. Confucius set forth five ideals that structured much of his thought about these relationships. (1) Jen (humanism) is related to the concept of reciprocity. It is, for Confucius, "the ideal relationship which should pertain between individuals." (2) Chun tzu (perfect person) means the kind of person in whom cultivated feeling has maximum development.147 (3) Li (rituals, rites, proprieties, conventions) is the outward expression of good manners—the way things should be done. (4) Те literally means power. Confucius was concerned with how power was used. He strongly believed that "leaders must be persons of character, sincerely devoted to the common good and possessed of the character that compels respect" (5) Wen refers to the arts. Confucius had great reverence for the arts. We can observe that veneration (respect) in the following paragraph: By poetry the mind is aroused; from music the finish is received. The odes quicken the mind. They induce self-contemplation. They teach the art of sensibility. They help to retrain resentment. They bring home the duty of serving one's parents and one's prince.

Confucianism and Interpersonal Relationships.As is the case with all the world views we have examined, Confucianism influences perception and communication in a variety of ways.              - First, Confucianism teaches, both directly and indirectly, the notion of empathy. For Confucius that part of Jen is "the capacity to measure the feelings of others by one's own." This view toward others would, of course, make listening an important element of communication.

- Second, when communicating, those that follow Confucian philosophy would be concerned with status relationships. We can see this in everything from differentiated linguistic codes (words showing respect and rank) to "paternalistic leadership" in business and educational settings.

- Third, we could also except great concern for ritual and protocol when following Confucian principles. As we noted early, social etiquette was an important part of Confucian teaching. In Confucius's view, attentive performance of social ritual and everyday etiquette shapes human character in accordance with archetypal patterns.

Finally, Confucian philosophy would tend to encourage the use of indirect instead of direct language. As you learned elsewhere, Americans often ask very direct questions, are blunt, often use the word "no," and like it when people "get to the point" rather quickly. However, Confucian philosophy encourages indirect communication. For example, in Chinese culture, requests often are implied rather than stated explicitly (openly) for the sake of relational harmony and face maintenance.


The Chinese say that if you know the family, you do not need to know the individual. There is a Jewish saying that states “God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers.” These and other sayings call attention to the importance of family to every human being’s life. The family is among the oldest and most fundamental of all human institutions. It is also a universal experience found in every culture. Family is where people get their start in life.