Functional morphology of inner membrane of joints

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Содержание работы


V.Sh. Vagapova 1, Z. F. Menshikova 2, A. M. Menshikov 3, Z. FG. Rafikova 4

1.  Dept. Anat. , Baskir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

2.  Dept. Rad. Treat., , Baskir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

3.  Dept. Surg., Baskir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

4.  Medical Unit of “Polief”, Ufa, Russia

This investigation was undertaken on 400 joints of corpses of embryos and fetuses, of children and adults. Various morphological methods were used. The data received testify that the inside of joints is covered by one common inner membrane like other cavities of a body. It consists of synovial and chondral membranes. They may be considered a continuation of each other. The place of this transition should be called a transitional zone, which is situated above marginal parts of articular cartilages.

The inner membrane develops from the mesenchyme of interchondral zone which remains after cavitation of joints. Development of the parts of inner membrane of joints is interrelated. Mesenchymal cells are differentiated in the following way: synoviocytes in a synovial membrane and fibrocytes in a chondral one. Fibers of chondral membrane are continuation of the same structures of a synovial one through a transitional zone. Each part of inner membrane is provided with devices for their own function. According to our data, special structures of synovial membrane, the so-called “hatches”, specialized lymphatic capillaries, specialized blood capillaries are the main devices for transsynovial exchange.. Special structures of synovial membrane – “hatches” – are presented as synovial thinness over superficial blood and lymphatic capillaries. Specialized lymphatic capillaries are presented as wide blind appendices of lymphatic capillaries and they go towards synoviocytes. Specialized blood capillaries are presented as wide (20-30 mkm in diameter) sinusoidal ones. The thin side of their wall is oriented to the synoviocytes and is in contact with them. Frequently wide blind lymphatic capillaries and wide sinusoidal blood ones are localized within “hatches” or near them. Chondral membrane is adapted for elective entrance of synovial fluid components into articular cartilages and transitional zone is for fixation of synovial membrane to bones. Age-related and pathological changes of inner membrane parts are interrelated too.

Changes in the structure of eyeball tissues of mice when modeling hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome.

R. A. Batirshin 1, G. I. Batirshina 2

1.  Dept. Ophthal., Baskir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

2.  Dept. Histol. , Baskir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

Changes of eyeball of mice were investigated with the help of light and electron microscopes. Complex of morphological methods was used. According to our data thickness of epithelium and dilatation of interlaminar spaces in cornea were observed. The thickness mentioned above is due to the increase of epithelial cells of the middle layer. Epithelial cells increase in size and their cytoplasm is getting light. Disturbance of lens fiberarchitectonics and appearance of split between fibers were revealed. Lens fibres are of wave-like form and disintegrate into fragments. At the same time oval cavities appear. The cavities of the kind are differentiated in the external layer of the infected mice retina. Vitreous body becomes much thicker and was infiltrated by lymphocytes. It gets denser and looks like a granular mass. Retina  partially exfoliates from choroid and is also infiltrated by lymphocytes in the pars caeca. Cells with large, intensively stained nucleus are  revealed on the stretch of optic nerve. Nerve fibres of optic nerve become homogeneous. Distribution of cytoplasm and nucleus of epithelial cells and basal  membrane, dilatation intercellular spaces are observed in cornea with the help of electron microscope. There are oedema and destruction of organells of endothelial cells and basal membrane in iris and choroid. Local  disruption of collagen fibers around vessels, partial or total destruction of melanosomes and increase of the number of vacuoles in melanosomes are also detected. Destructive and degenerative changes are found in retina.

Swelling of mitochondions, destruction of their cristas in pigment cells and in neurosensory rod and cone epithelial cells of retina are observed. Decrease of the number of melanosomes, exfoliation of internal layer of retina are also described. Thus the results of our investigation demonstrate that in modeling hemorrhagic fever the structures of hemathoophthalmologic barrier are subjected to the most obvious changes. 

Structure of  “hatches”  of  serous coat

R.S. Minigazimov 1, V.Sh. Vagapova 2, A. G. Gabbasov 3, Sh.S Minigazimov 4

1.  Dept. Anat. , Baskir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

2.  Dept. Anat. , Baskir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

3.  Dept. Anat. , Baskir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

4.  Dept. Anat. , Baskir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

This investigation was undertaken to achieve better understanding of serous fluid exchange processes mechanism from morphological point of view.  Holes in basal membrane of serous coats (peritoneum and pleura) were studied. Three-dimension light microscopy was used. The above mentioned holes are localized in rows and groups between the folds of diaphragmatic peritoneum and pleura. Holes diameter is about 3 mkm. Fibers of superficial collagen layer form round “windows” with diameter of 50 mkm, which are situated just under the holes of basal membrane. The above mentioned “windows” lead to narrow splits, mouths of “hatch” which are 100 mkm long. These “hatch” mouths are situated in rows along deep collagen layer fibres. The distance between them is 0,5 mm. The angle between the mouths and the direction of  the fibres is 45°. They are limited by collagen fascicles of deep fiber layer of serous coats. The mouth opens into a large split-like cavity – “hatch’, which is 0.2 x 3.0 mm. There are deep and wide furrows on the bottom of the “hatches”. The walls of the “hatches” formed by connective tissue fibers, are strengthened by collagen fascicule. Some of this fascicules are thrown over “hatch” cavity and are split into separate fibers which are fixed to collagen fasciculi of the walls. Contours of “mouths” and “hatches” are noticeable on the surface of serous coat. Blood and lymphatic microvessels are situated in the walls of the “hatches”. This blood and lymphatic capillaries have got all the necessary morphological attributes to provide fluid exchange. It should be considered that serous fluid is deposited in the “hatches”. In addition these “hatched” along with the vessels are devices for the exchange of serous fluid.


Structure of  “hatches”  of  serous coat

R.S. Minigazimov 1, V.Sh. Vagapova 2, A. G. Gabbasov 3, Sh.S Minigazimov 4

1.  Dept. Anat. , Baskir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

2.  Dept. Anat. , Baskir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

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