are eigenvalues of
Spectrum of the Dirac equation for the Coulomb field:
positive-energy-continuum states
ß bound states
0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
negative-energy-continuum states
are the operators satisfying the following anticommutation relations
The energy operator
As usual, the vacuum state is defined by
Then, we have
Let us consider a state
Its energy
is not restricted from the bottom! For this reason, let us redefine the vacuum state
For the new vacuum, we have
, for any
, for any
If we denote
we get
, for any
In what follows, we imply
The operator:
physical sense of and
is a creation operator for
is a creation operator for
a one-electron
a one-positron state.
The energy operator
The last term represents the vacuum energy. It can be removed by using the normal product:
The electric charge density for the vacuum state:
Here . In the free-field case
two sums cancel each other. For
the Coulomb field of a nucleus, , the functions
are pulled closer to the nucleus while
are pushed out. For the case of an
extended heavy nucleus, it yields the following picture for the
vacuum-polarization charge density multiplied with
charge density multiplied with for a heavy extended
nucleus :
QED of interacting fields
In what follows, we will use the relativistic units:
The Hamiltonian of the system:
where, in the Coulomb gauge,
The calculations can be performed by perturbation theory.
However, manifestly covariant expressions, which are required for the renormalization , can be most readily obtained if we use the interaction representation instead of the Schroedinger or the Heisenberg representation. The Hamiltonian of the system:
where .
The Schroedinger representation:
For any
operator :
average value of :
The transition to the Heisenberg representation is performed by the substitutions:
We have
average value of :
Interaction representation
we obtain
average value of :
In what follows, we will consider the interaction representation. In the Feynman gauge
Here ,
In the
interaction representation, the wave function obeys
the equation
Let us
introduce the evolution operator by
We obtain
with the boundary condition
These equations can be combined into a single integral equation
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