The absorption of a photon can be considered in the same way as the emission. It can be shown that
Bethe’s evaluation of the Lamb shift
Electron self energy in non-relativistic
We consider a non-relativistic H-like atom. The interaction of the atomic electron with the quantized radiation field in the electric-dipole approximation is described by the operator
Let us evaluate
the energy shift of atomic level due to this
interaction. To first order, one easily finds
To second order, we have (“self energy”)
we obtain
The angular integration over photon momentum directions and the summation over photon polarization is performed by formula
, we have
integral diverges linearly at high . However, we may argue that we
can not take too seriously the contributions from virtual photons of energy
since our consideration is non-relativistic. So, we replace
where .
Mass renormalization
Let us
consider the self energy for a free non-relativistic electron. Taking into
account that, for a free electron, non-diagonal matrix elements of vanish, we get
where is the momentum of the free
electron. This
integral is also linearly divergent as
we can not switch off the electromagnetic interaction, can not be separated from the usual kinetic
energy. In fact,
the observable kinetic energy is the sum of the kinetic energy of the bare
is the bare electron mass (the
electromagnetic interaction is switched off) and
The observed (physical) electron mass is defined by
It follows
Let us now return to the atomic energy shift.
When we
solve the Schroedinger equation, to find the unperturbed energy we use (which includes
) instead of
Therefore, when we calculate the energy shift due to the interaction with the radiation field, we must subtract the term
to avoid any double accounting. In other words, we must use in the Schroedinger equation
The observable energy shift is
In other words, what is observable is the difference of the bound-electron self energy and the free-electron self energy.
We have
we obtain
Taking into account that
we get
expression still diverges as but the divergence is
logarithmic. In the relativistic theory this divergence vanishes. We can obtain a good estimate for
by putting
( is not very sensitive to the choice of
, if
Finally, we obtain (Bethe, 1947)
or using
we have
The numerical evaluation of this term yields
1040 MHz
This energy splitting is in a good agreement with the first experiment by Lamb and Retherford (1947):
1062(5) MHz .
Quantization of the electron-positron field
In relativistic quantum mechanics the one-electron atom is described by the Dirac equation
To formulate a consequent relativistic theory of electrons and positrons, we must quantize the Dirac field
where are solutions of the stationary
Dirac equation
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