The Umbrella man. Dip in the pool. The Butler. The Hitchhiker. My Lady Love, My Dove, страница 6

Mood                     plush                waltz                          etude

2. Give the English equivalents of the Russian words and expressions that follow:

Я плачу (платить);                                    всё равно;

я немного опьянел;                                   оглушительные аплодисменты;

быть единственным владельцем;            солнечное сплетение;

беспомощный бродяга;                            докричаться до хрипоты;

быть одетым во фрак и белый галстук; бесшумная клавиатура;

дирижёрская палочка;               концерт из произведений одного композитора; в ретроспективе;                                       выдающееся имя.                                            сам себе хозяин;

3. Match the words with their definitions:

1. amplifiers        a) a payment made to someone for selling smth., which is directly

2. masterpiece                                                 related to the amount of goods sold;

3.foyer                 b) entrance hall;

4. concert grand  c) an old word for record player or hi-fi system;

5. gramophone    d) the speed or rhythm of a piece of music;

6. quota               e) three or more note played at the same time;

7. miniature         f) a small version of smth.;

8. tempo              g) devices that make sounds louder;

9. chord               h) the largest size of piano;

10. commission   i) a fixed amount;

j) an extremely good piece of work.

4. Give the synonyms of the following words:

accentuated                                                reverence

exasperated                                                to anticipate

vigour                                                        immobile

to embarrass                                              frenzied

queer                                                          to be appalled

to mumble                                                  preliminaries

giddy                                                          clapping

brisk                                                           to be amazed

a lark                                                          distinguished

5. Finish up these sentences by inserting key expressions from the text:

1. Mr. Botibol pushed his way through ______ and emerged into the large ______

of the hotel.

2. Clements was trying ______ just how drunk the other really was.

3. Mr. Botibol had always been ______ to symphony concerts.

4. Mr. Botibol could see himself up on ______ dressed in ______, and before him was the orchestra.

5. Mr. Botibol began to swing his arms in time with the music in the manner of ______.

6. There was no denying that now, ______, he felt a little guilty about the whole business.

7. The previous concert in the afternoon had been from ______, but this one was ______.

8. He ordered a radio shop to install an expensive self-changing gramophone with two powerful ______, one on the ______, the other at the back of the ______.

9. He closed his eyes because he didn’t want anything ______.

10. ______ at three Mr. Botibol heard the bell ring.

11. “All right”, she said at last. “I’ll do it. I think I’m ______ but just the same I’ll do it. It’ll be a bit of a lark.”

12. “ As a matter of fact I work at the ______”,she said. “I teach ______”.

Reading Comprehension:

1. Find in the text the facts to prove that:

1. Mr. Botibol considered himself to be a looser in his life.

2. Mr. Botibol was not a poor person.

3. Mr. Botibol found a relief in his small home concerts.

2. Answer the following questions:

1. Why did Mr. Botibol meet Mr. Clements?

2. How much alcohol did they drink?

3. What did Mr. Botibol say to Mr. Clements about his life?

4. What did Mr. Botibol hear on the radio when he returned home?

5. What did he do next? Did he have fun?

6. Mr. Botibol wanted to convert one of the largest rooms in his house in the miniature concert hall, didn’t he? How did he arrange the whole process?