The Umbrella man. Dip in the pool. The Butler. The Hitchhiker. My Lady Love, My Dove, страница 27

4. Match the words with their definitions.

1. lunatic         a) what one likes or wants to do, preference;

2. gait              b) a position of care, control or responsibility for a person, group …

3. barrister      c) smth. that gives great pleasure or delight;

4. asylum        d) a length of wood or metal across a door, gate or window to keep

it shut or prevent movement through it;

5. charge         e) strong desire, over a long period of time, for success, power …;

6. marquee      f) a mental hospital;

7. treat            g) a person who is suffering from an illness of the mind;

8. ambition     h) a lawyer who has the right of speaking in the higher courts of law;

9. inclination   i) a way of walking;

10. bar            j) a large tent for outdoor public events, such as competitions or

shows, or for eating and drinking.

Reading Comprehension:

1. Answer the following questions.

1. What can we say about Lady Moping’s and Angela’s attitudes towards Lord Moping judging by the facts that we get to know from the story?

2. Describe the asylum. Is it a comfortable place to live in?

3. How did Lord Moping behave himself during his daughter’s visit?

4. What can you say about Mr. Loveday? Do you share Angela’s opinion about him?

5. Why did doctor call Mr. Loveday the life and soul of the asylum?

6. How did Mr. Loveday get into the asylum?

7. Why was Angela more sympathetic with Mr.Loveday than her own father?

8. Did Mr. Loveday want to get his freedom back?

9. What did Angela decide to do for Mr. Loveday?

10. Describe the day of Mr. Loveday’s departure.

11. What was his secret ambition?


1. What does Lady Moping’s treatment of her husband reveal about her own character? Do you feel more sympathy for her or for Lord Moping?

2. How mad do you think Lord Moping really is? Does the author intend us to think of another explanation for Lord Moping’s behaviour?

3. What is your opinion of Angela’s behaviour? Is she a naïve idealist or interfering busybody? Why does she ignore her father in favour of Mr. Loveday?

4. How do you think Angela feels after Mr. Loveday’s little outing?

5. Both stories, “Tea” and “Mr. Loveday’s Little Outing”, end in either disillusionment or disaster. Does the author wish to imply that young people should always take advice from their elders and betters? Or can you draw some other conclusion?

                                       The Colonel’s Lady

Pre-reading task:

Before reading the story “The Colonel’s Lady” try to predict what it might be about.


Read the story carefully and try to understand it in detail. Mind the notes to the text.

Vocabulary focus:

1. Look up and learn the following words.

ancestors                                        vitality

slyboots                                          appointment

forebears                                        consternation

to tend                                            venture

to succour                                       vexation                          

elections                                         celebrity

recipients                                        stoop

bounty                                            civility

inferior                                            to frown

heir                                                 to hesitate

notion                                             edition

impertinent                                     malaise

intelligence                                     bliss

to surrender                                    to indulge

dismay                                            serenity

2. Match the words with their definitions.

1. tracks                a) expression of admiration;

2. evidence           b) the top or highest part of smth., eg. of the head;

3. hatred               c) willingness to forgive, not to punish, kindness and pity;