The Umbrella man. Dip in the pool. The Butler. The Hitchhiker. My Lady Love, My Dove, страница 17

1. Find the facts in the text to prove that:

a) Owen was very fond of the farm and was worried about it’s future;

b) Owen was not as lucky in his life as his brother was;

c) Rhiannon used Owen like a prize ram;

d) Huw worshiped Margo.

2. Answer the following questions:

1. Is it clear from the beginning what delicate work Owen was planning to do?

2. Why did he decide not to bother with gloves at all?

3. Describe the kind of trap that Owen invented for his brother?

4. What happened at the farm? Why did Owen think of restocking it?

5. What were the reasons for Owen to kill his brother/

6. Why did Rhiannon turn to her brother-in-law for help? What kind of help did she need?

7. Who is Margo? How did her birth influence Huw?

8. What exactly appeared to be the last drop in Owen’s decision?

9. Why did Owen blame Huw for the slaughter of the sheep and dogs? What alternatives did Owen suggest in order to save the sheep?

10. What conclusions can you make about Rhiannon’s feelings towards Owen, judging by her answers to his proposal?

11. Did Owen want to tell everyone that he was the real father of Margo? Did he love her?

12. Why did Owen decide that Huw had to be the one to pull the trigger?

13. How did Owen want to create his watertight alibi?

14. What did Owen see when he reached his house?

15. Why did Owen commit a suicide?

16. Was Margo dead?

Discussion: 1. Which do you think was more important for Owen, sole possession and management of the farm, or living with Rhiannon and being able to claim Margo as his own daughter?

2. Why do you think Rhiannon chose to marry Huw rather than Owen? Describe both brothers from her point of view. What is your opinion of her own character? Is she partly to blame for the tragedy?

3. Do you think that the tragedy would have been prevented if Rhiannon and Margo had left Huw and moved in with Owen? What do you think Huw would have done?

4. Do you think to commit a suicide was the best decision for Owen in that situation?

                                        The Fountain Plays

Pre-reading task:

Before you read the story “The Fountain Plays” try to predict what it might be about. What associations does the title bring forth?


Read the story carefully and try to understand it in detail. Mind the notes to the text.

Vocabulary focus:

1. Look up and learn the following words:

lilacs                            marble                           weather-vane

rustic                           to soothe                       parlourmaid

cypresses                     sordid                           to afford

scent                            host                              to retort

rainbow                       ingenious                     conspiratorial

henceforward              miser                            decorum

to encounter                to retire                         beggar

accommodating          allowance                      forgery

spare-room                  to deserve                      to confuse

hose                             precaution                     heart-attack

coroner                        compunction                 menace

2. Find the English equivalents of the following expressions and recollect the situations where they were used.

Не чувствовать себя комфортно; быть по уши влюблённым; иметь индивидуальность; быть подобающим для женщин; иметь последнее слово; стоить чего-то; быть богатым человеком; быть на чьём-то месте; слегка напряжённая атмосфера; смириться с кем-то (чем-то); избавиться от кого-то; партия в бридж; любить за двоих; не возражать; собраться с мужеством; купаться в богатстве; спустить с тормозов; выдавать себя за кого0то; в общих чертах; чутко спать.

3. What do these expressions mean in the context in which they are used in the story? Rephrase them in your own words.

It quite took my breath away (69)

You can cut along to bed (74)