The Umbrella man. Dip in the pool. The Butler. The Hitchhiker. My Lady Love, My Dove, страница 15

4. Have you ever been smashed … the face? Have you ever had your dreams trodden …?

5. She flung herself  … the sofa and burst … sobs.

6. It was a glowing future which this hysterical woman wasn’t going to mess … .

7. I suppose she thinks he’s faithful … her.

8. Betsy had refused to let him … , had left him … there … the street.

9. I’ll pray every night … it to go to the bottom … the sea … it gets there.

10. What happened next he hadn’t bargained …?

3. Find the English equivalents of the following expressions in the story.

Оправдательная речь; побелеть; во благо; давать приют; расхаживать по комнате; разрыдаться; портить; распухшие глаза; хищные руки; антикварные вещицы; расстроить женитьбу; испытывать чувство отвращения; беспрерывно курить; вычурно ругаться; обрушивать удары; явное небытие.

4. Find the words in the text with a similar meaning to the following:

1. fictitious, illusive, abstract, untrue –

2. frightening –

3. to stimulate, to cause, to irritate, to rouse –

4. to dispute, to debate, to disagree, to quarrel, to discuss, to reason –

5. smoothly, steadily, constantly, unvaryingly –

6. firmly, not friendly, formally –

7. true, loyal, devoted, dedicated, scrupulous, reliable –

8. to detest, to hate, to abominate –.

5. Give the appropriate word or expression from the text.

1. Suddenly, spontaneously, without preparation or planning –

2. Wild uncontrollable anger –

3. Complete less of hope –

4. To keep or regard as precious –

5. To lower one’s head or body quickly, to try to avoid –

6. To start smth. suddenly (song, laughter, tears) –

7. Small decorations in a house –

8. To call down evil or misfortune upon –.

Reading Comprehension:

1. Say whether the statements are true or false.

1. Maurice returned to Betsy because he loved her so much that he wanted to merry her.

2. During the year which Maurice had spent in Australia he wrote her a lot of letters and called her every day.

3. Maurice told Betsy about Patricia only after he had made love to her.

4. Betsy wasn’t nervous when she found out about Maurice’s plans for his future.

5. Betsy decided to make friends with Patricia.

6. Betsy tried to return Maurice.

7. Betsy took the lamp and struck Maurice with it because she wanted to kill him.

8. After Betsy murdered Maurice she sat down on the sofa and waited for the police.

9. Betsy put Maurice’s dead body into the silver-coloured trunk and sent it to Patricia.

2. Answer the following questions:

1. Why did Maurice return to London? Did he plan to stay in London for a long time?

2. was Betsy ready to hear from Maurice that he wasn’t planning to be with her anymore?

3. Who is Patricia? Did Betsy know anything about her?

4. Was Maurice faithful to Betsy? What did he mean saying that “women never could understand about man and sex”?

5. Did Maurice try to offend or to needle Betsy in anyway?

6. Did Betsy love Maurice? Did she want him to stay with her? Did she do anything for that?

7. What was Maurice’s idea of a glowing future?

8. What was Betsy’s attitude towards Patricia?

9. Why did Betsy decide to rock Maurice and Patricia’s marriage? Was it a revenge? Was she a success?

10. Why did Maurice prefer Patricia to Betsy?

11. Why Did Betsy decide to come and spend the last night with Maurice?

12. Did Betsy intend to kill Maurice or was it an accident?

13. How did Betsy’s primal instinct of self-preservation work out? What did she do after she realized that Maurice was dead?

14. What present would Patricia receive?


1. Do you think Maurice’s only reason for returning to London was to collect his possessions?

2. Betsy’s emotions and reactions to Maurice’s behaviour become more and more uncontrollable as the story progresses. Make the list of the sequence of actions and remarks by Maurice that finally drive her over the edge?