The Umbrella man. Dip in the pool. The Butler. The Hitchhiker. My Lady Love, My Dove, страница 29

19. Did he understand that the story was his wife’s own life story? How did he feel at that moment?

20. Why didn’t George ask Evie for the explanations?

21. Who was Henry Blane? What for did George come to see him?

22. What was Henry’s advice?

23. Was George afraid that Evie would leave him?

24. How did George justify his own adultery?

25. Did George think he was a good husband for Evie?

26. Why did Henry think Evie welcomed her lover’s death?

27. Comment on the last phrase of the story.


1. Mr. Peregrine knows that he and his wife have “drifted apart”. Who do you blame for that? He had had the thought that “if Evie hadn’t been such a good woman she’d have been a better wife”. What do you think he means by that? What does it reveal about his attitude to women?

2. “There is such a thing as imagination,” says Henry Blane. Are you sure Evie had a lover? If so what do you think would have happened if he hadn’t died? If not why did she write the poems?

3. Do you think George and Evie’s relationship will be different from now on? If so how? From  the point of view of their relationship, does it in fact matter whether there was a real lover or not?

                               Mrs. Bixby and the Colonel’s Coat

Pre-reading task:

Before you read the story try to predict what kind of story it will be a funny or a tragic one. What associations does the title of the story bring forth?


Read the story carefully and try to understand it in detail. Mind the notes to the text.

Vocabulary focus:

1. Look up and learn the following words.

opportunities                    mink                    dandelion

divorce                             to dare                  treasure

lucrative                           swings                        cash

generation                        roundabouts               shirt-stud

puberty                             to tear                         to swoon

disillusionment                to torture                     outskirts

merit                                to pawn                       inlay

average                            to redeem                    scoundrel

vigorous                           purse                          horseradish

2. Match the words with their definitions:

colonel                      neckpiece              peek               masculine

beaker                       countenance          counter           brooch

cuff                           groom                   dwarf               alliance

income                      tranquillizer


a) a quick look;

b) having qualities that are considered typical of or suitable for a man;

c) a drug used for reducing nervous anxiety and making a person calm and peaceful;

d) a narrow piece of fur which fits around the neck;

e) money which one receives regularly, usually as payment for one’s work or interest from investors;

f)the end of a sleeve;

g) the appearance or expression of a person’s face;

h) a small decorative object worn on women’s clothes, fastened on with a pin;

i) a close agreement or connection made between countries, groups, families, etc. for a shared purpose or for the protection of their interest;

j) a small glass cup shaped for pouring, as used in a chemical laboratory;

k) a person, animal or a plant of much less than the usual size;

l) an army or airforce rank;

m) a narrow table or flat surface at which customers are served in a shop, bank…

n) someone who is in charge of feeding, cleaning and taking care of horses.

3. Find the English equivalents of the following expressions. Make up your own sentences using these expressions.

Утешать друг друга; как оказалось; быть в веселом настроении; развязать верёвку; захватило дух; она не могла отвести глаз; я не разорена; изматываться; высморкаться; платить наличными; ты сойдёшь с ума; глубоко вздохнуть; они подумают, что мы миллионеры и будут брать с нас в двое больше; тебя могут обмануть; что потеряешь в одном, выиграешь в другом; быть рогоносцем до конца своих дней.