Английский язык: Практические пособие (Thomas Alva Edison. My Working Day. Sport in Our Republic. Our University), страница 7

After breakfast I quickly put on my coat, take the bag, say good-bye to my mother and hurry to the Institute. It doesn't take me much time to get there as the Institute is not far away. I always go on foot there.1 am never late. Our classes begin at 8 o'clock. Every day we have three or four lectures and seminars in different subjects. We work hard.Two times a week we have English.Between classes we have short breaks.When our classes are over.students go home or to the hostel.I always have dinner at home.

Once a week I stay at the Institute later because I take part in the activities of

our Institute.Sometimes I go to the library and do my home-work in the reading-hall.

When I come home from the Institute I have a short rest. I can read newspapers,go out for a walk.or visit my friends.

In the evening I like to listen to music or to read an interesting book. On week-days I go to bed at 11 o'clock.

10. Answer the following questions:

1 .Where do you study?

2.When does your academic year begin?

3.Do you go to the Institute every day?

4.When do you get up on week-days?

5.What do you usually do in the morning?

6.Do you live in the hostel or at home with your family?

7.How long does it take you to get to the Institute?

8.Do you go to the Institute by bus or by trolley-bus?

9.Whcn do your classes begin?

10.Where do you have breakfast(dinner)?

11.Where do usually go after classes?

12.What do you do after classes?

13. What do you do in the evening?

14.Do you do homework in the evening or in the afternoon?

15. When do you go to bed?

11 .Say whether the following statements are correct.Use «that's wrong», «that's right».

l.You work at a factory. 2.You get up at 6 o'clock. 3.You study English at the Institute. 4.You do your lessons in the morning. 5.You teach at the Institute. 6.Your friend is 21 years old. 7.He has many books at home. 8-You go to the Institute on foot. 9.Your friend works at a big plant. Ю.Не is married. 1 l.His wife is a teacher. 12-He has got a child.


12.Make up sentences with the following words:


2.1 ,morning,my,do,exercises,in,open,front,the,of,wuidow.




6.A,once,I,at,Institute,week,stay,the. 7.In,listen,the,evening,I,to,like,music,to. 8. Sometimes,fri ends ,1 ,my, visit.

13.Translate into English:

1.Мой рабочий день начинается в 8.30-Обычно я встаю в 6.50, а в воскресенье- немного позже.2.А когда вы встаете ? З.Мы завтракаем и ужинаем дома, а обедаем в столовой.4.Где вы учитесь?

• Я учусь в институте. А где вы учились в прошлом году?

• В техникуме.5.Какой иностранный язык вы изучали в школе? В школе я изучал немецкий, а в техникуме начал изучать английский. Английский язык мне очень нравится. Я думаю, что он мне пригодится в жизни.

• б.Он ездит в институт на автобусе или ходит пешком? 7-Сколько времени ты тратишь каждый день на свое домашнее задание? Я трачу ежедневно около четырех часов. 8.Ты делаешь по утрам зарядку ?

• -Конечно.9.Какие предметы ты изучаешь сейчас в институте? Какой из них твой любимый? Ю.Моя сестра обычно помогает матери по дому, а я хожу в магазин. 11.Что вы делаете по вечерам ? -Если я свободен, то я читаю. Чтение - мое хобби. Иногда я хожу в кино или в театр, а также навещаю своих друзей. 12.Когда ты приходишь домой из института?

• -Обычно - около 3 часов дня, а иногда позже.

14. Complete the sentences:

1.1 get up ...

2.1 do my ...

3. Usually I have for breakfast...

4.1 live far ...

5. It takes me ...

6. Our classes begin ...

7. After classes I...

8. In the evening I... 9.1 like to listen ... 10.1 go to bed...


15.Ask your groupmates:

1)when they get up in the morning;

2)what subjects they study;

3)how many tutorials they will have tomorrow;

4)what languages they study;

5)what subjects they like;

6)where they study;

7)where their parents work;

8)what they like to do in the evening;

9)whose pictures they like best;

10)who is absent today.

16-Read the text and rctel it.