Английский язык: Практические пособие (Thomas Alva Edison. My Working Day. Sport in Our Republic. Our University), страница 24

4. allowance [ff lauftis] - стипендия

syn. scholarship, grant The students who study well get allowances.

5. to carry out - выполнять

Students carry out laboratory tests in well-equipped laboratories.

6. tutorial - консультация

tutorial room - аудитория We have lectures and tutorials at the Institute.

7. correspondence department - заочное отделение

syn. extra-mural department Students of the correspondence department combine work and study.

8. course of studies - курс обучения

The course of studies at the University lasts five years.

9. day-time department - дневное отделение

More than 3 thousand students study at a day-time department of this Institute.

10. to be (to have) at smb's disposal - находиться (иметь) в распоряжении The students have at their disposal a computing centre and a large library.

11. facilities - оборудование; благоприятные условия, возможности We have all facilities for studies and rest.

12. to found - основывать

The first Russian University was founded in Moscow by M. V. Lomonosov,

13. graduate - выпускник

to graduate from - оканчивать (ВУЗ)

Graduates of Gomel Polytechnic work in different parts of our Republic.

14. hostel - общежитие

All the students of my group live in a new nine-storeyed hostel.

15. credit- зачет

to take a credit (an exam) - сдавать зачет (экзамен) to pass a credit (an exam) - сдать зачет (экзамен) Students take exams and credits twice a year.

16. term- семестр

Each term lasts eight weeks at Oxford and Cambrige.

17. to train - обучать, готовить


The Cambridge University trains about 7,000 students in different specialities.

18. dean -декан

Every faculty is headed by a dean.

19. tuition - обучение

The tuition at all schools in our country is free.

20. branch - отрасль; филиал

Our Republic has many branches of industry.

21. to provide - обеспечивать

Lectures, tutorials and examinations provide the means by which students

prepare themselves in specialized fields of knowledge.

22. faculty - факультет

syn. department

The Lumumba Friendship University has six main faculties: Engineering, Medicine, Agriculture, History and Philology, Economics and Law, Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

23. device - устройство, прибор

Many devices used in everyday life result from laboratory work.

24. equipment - оборудование

They should leam how to handle the modem equipment.

25. research work - научно-исследовательская работа

Students are engaged in research work under guidance of professors,

instructors and post-graduates.

26. installation - установка, устройство

They operate experimental and industrial installations, conduct theoretical

investigations and read scientific literature on their speciality.

9. Make up word-combinations with the following words:

higher                year

to be                 out

to get                 educational institution

academic             situated

to carry               allowances

tutorial              from

correspondence        of studies

course              rooms

graduate            department

to pass               at smb's disposal

to be                department

day-time              a credit

10. Translate into Russian :

1. There are different kinds of educational establishments in Great Britain:


universities, polytechnics, colleges, university correspondence departments. The UK has about 78 universities.

2. London University was founded in 1836.

3. In Great Britain there are three terms in the academic year.

4. In Great Britain higher education is not free. Students pay fees for studies, books, laboratory work, exams.

5. The first Russian University occupied a small two-storied building.

6. The course of studies at a correspondence department is a year longer than at a day-time department.

7. He passed his graduation examinations with good and excellent marks.

8. Three times a year students of the correspondence department come to the

university to attend lectures, tutorials or classes and to take their exams and credits.

11. Connect the following into sentences:

1. Gomel Polytechnic was             at students' disposal founded in 1968