Present, Past, Future Simple (Active), страница 6

one                two            three

seventh          sevenths     fifths

В смешанных числах употребляется союз «and».

3 1/3 — three and a third, 2 1/2 — two and a half.

Сочетания дробных числительных с существительными образуются следующим образом:

1/2 km half a kilometre (a half kilometre), 1 1/3 tons — one and a third tons (one ton and a third) 2 1/3 pounds (lb) two and a third pounds (two pounds and a third).

В десятичных дробях (decimal fractions) каждая цифра обозначается отдельным количественным числительным.

0.3 — nought point three (или .3 — point three) 2.25 two point two five; 16.205 one six (sixteen) point two nought five.

Ноль читается любым из трех способов: zero ['ziarou], nought [no:t], о [ou].

Addition Сложение

3 + 7=10

Three plus seven equals ten. Three plus seven is equal to ten.


a plus b equals с

plus [plAs] — плюс; positive sign [sain] — знак плюс;; sign of addition — знак сложения; addend [a'dend] слагаемое; item [aitam] — слагаемое; sum — сумма, суммировать; summond ['sAmand] — слагаемое; total [toutl]— целое, сумма; итог, подводить итог; unknown — неизвестное; equality — равенство; symbol — условное обозначение; sign [sain] знак, ставить знак.

Subtraction Вычитание

11—3 = 8

Eleven minus three equals eight. Three from eleven leaves eight.

ab = c

a minus b is equal to с

minus ['mainss] минус, без, отрицательный знак; negative sign — минус, отрицательный знак; minuend ['minjuand] — уменьшаемое; subtrahend ['sAbtrshand]; difference ['difrons] — разность; between — между.

Multiplication Умножение


Twice two is four; 3X3=9

Three times three is nine. 5x5=25

Five times five is twenty-five.

Читается  times   при   умножении  небольших  целых чисел.  В остальных случаях —multiplied by  (или by). 12X12=144

Twelve (multiplied) by twelve equals one hundred ;and forty four.


a multiplied by b equals с

X—multiplication sign — знак умножения; multiply f'nultiplai] — множить, умножать; multiplicand [,тл1-'tipli'kaend] — множимое; multiplier [дплШ'рЫэ] — множитель; factor ['faekta] — множитель, коэффициент, фактор; product ['prodakt] — произведение.

Division Деление


Twenty five divided by five equals five

a: b — c

a divided by b is equal to с

a+b    c+d


a plus b over a minus b is equal to сplus d over сminus d



32 Three squared (three square). Three (raised) to the second power.

53 Five cubed (five cube). Five (raised) to the third f)ower.

8=23 Eight is the third power of two.

105 — Then to the fifth power.

10-7 — Ten to the minus seventh power.

n~10 — я to the minus tenth power; n to the minus tenth.

power — степень; raise to a power — возвышать в степень;   exponent  [eks'pounant] — показатель.

Evolution Извлечениекорня

У4=2 The square root (out) of four is (equals) two.

у27=3   The cube root of twenty seven is three.

■j/16=2   The fourth root of sixteen is two.

Уa   The square root of a

yfa2   The fifth root of a square

extract [iks'traekt] извлекать; extract the root of (out of) —извлекать корень из ..; radical sign — знак корня..

Ratio Отношение

1 :2

The ratio of one to two;


The ratio of four to two is two.

on    с      ie    a   20        16

20: 5= 16: 4 или     - =------

5                                    4

The ratio of twenty to five equals (is equal to) the ratio of sixteen to four (twenty is to five as sixteen is to four).

a : b = c

The ratio of a to b is с

: ratio sign — знак отношения, читается как to или is to.

Proportion Пропорция


Two is to three as four is to six. The ratio of two to three equals the ratio of four to six. a : b=c : d a is to b as сis to d x/y x varies directly as y\ x is directly proportional to y.

Equation Уравнение


The product of the sum and difference of two quantities is equal to the difference of their squares.

identity [ai'dentiti] тождество; value ['vaelju] величи-ма, значение.