Present, Past, Future Simple (Active), страница 2

Yourbagslookheavy. I’ll help you with them.

2)  Согласие что-либо сделать

Theprogramcantprocessdata. Illcheckyoursoftware.

3)Обещание что-либо сделать

I know that you cannot afford to buy LCD, I’ll lend you some money.

4) Просьба

Will you input the data for me?

5) Shall чаще употребляется с местоимениями 1-го лица (I, we) в вопросах

Shall I shut the door? Shall we go to the computer courses together?

Future Simple не употребляется в сложно-подчиненных предложениях времени и условия после следующих слов: if, when, till, until, before, after, as soon as, unless, while.

I don’t think you’ll manage to get the results before the lecturer comes back.

We’ll need to use the mouse if you want to do it faster.

As soon as he gets the results he’ll be able to come to a conclusion about his experiment.


1. Use the proper Tense according to the context.

1. Peripherals (include, included, will include) input devices, output devices and storage devices. 2. The processor (do, did, does, will do) all the processing and (control, controls, controlled, will control) all the other devices of the computer. 3. Input device (allowed, allows, will allow) data to be entered. 4. Last spring we (sit, will sit, sat) down after dinner to select a summer camp for Billy. 5. He (leaves, will leave, left) three weeks ago. 6. Every Sunday a musician in Germany (started, starts, will start) the beat by playing drums. 7. Electronic newspapers (is, are, will be) just one more way to reach more people. 8. Those who (don’t have, won’t have, didn’t have) a computer or access to the Internet at home (often have, will often have, had) access at work or school, or even at the local library. 9. Computers (impact, impacted, will impact) every part of our lives nowadays. 10. In 1945, Percy Spencer, an engineer at the Raytheon Company (builds, built, will build) the first microwave oven. 11. While most residents (are aware, were aware, will be aware) of individual locations, many do not realize that these branches operate as a system, offering access to a network of recreational reading materials, information tools and opportunities for lifelong learning.

2.   Put the infinitive in brackets into the proper form.

1. Jobs and Wozniak ( to dream) of a personal computer, one that could do more than play games. 2. In 1977 Jobs and Wozniak (to sell) their first Apple II, which (to launch) the personal computer industry. 3. These computers (to popularize) the use of the mouse, the hand-controlled device that (to move) the cursor on a computer display. 4. You can't carry a computer as easily as you can a newspaper, but you (to find) a lot of other things to like about online newspapers. 5. More than 100 daily papers in the United States and Canada (to publish) electronic editions. 6. Online newspapers (to have) the most up-to-date news. 7. Electronic newspapers also (to allow) you to instantly learn more about a news story through hypertext links. 8. In the future, electronic newspapers may (to add) all kinds of new features, like audio and video clips of news you can (to see) and hear on your computer. 9. Traditional newspapers ever (to disappear)? 10. Nolan Bushnell born in 1943 (to be) the father of home video games.

3. Make 3 questions to each statement.

1. Ergonomics is the study of the design of physical working spaces and how people interact with them. 2. He experimented with a number of different materials before finding the right one. 3. The technician pressed the button and lights started flashing. 4. When she pulled a lever, the wheel began to rotate. 5. After analyzing the problem, the physicist concluded that there was a flaw in his initial hypothesis. 5. After switching on the computer, insert a floppy disk into the disk drive. 6. You must patent your invention as quickly as possible. 7. I’m always impressed by people who carry their laptops on airplanes and work on them during the flight. 8. Those floppy disks don’t store nearly enough information. 9. You really need to use your hard disk for all data you want to store. 10. If you want some photos of the USA, you could just try surfing the Web.