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Реферат на тему:
«Основные промышленные центры Великобритании»
(«The basic industrial centres of Great Britain»)
Студент гр.С- 11
Гомель 2011
The Great Britain
The industry of the Great Britain gives approximately 36 % of GNP, on it it is necessary more than 35 % of all occupied. It uses basically imported raw materials and more and more is guided by a foreign market.
On the one hand for England fast growth of the modern branches using progressive technology (electronics, the general and exact mechanical engineering, the chemical industry), with another - backlog of old branches (a coal mining, the cotton and woollen industry, shipbuilding, ferrous metallurgy) is characteristic.
Process of concentration of the industry of the Great Britain has led to creation in many branches, especially modern, large monopolies. The largest industrial monopolies of the country - «Imperial kemikal indastris», «Junilevel», «British Lailand», «Jeneral the electrician of the company» in which it is occupied on 200 thousand persons.
The basic part of the industrial enterprises of the country is concentrated in the densely populated industrial belt including counties from London to Lancashire and from Western Jorkshira to Gloucestershire. The largest industrial regions outside of this belt - the southern Wales, the northeast of England and the central Scotland.
Those areas in which old manufactures and traditional branches developed, became lagging behind, or depressive. It is the most part of Scotland, Northern Ireland, all Wales, the extreme northeast and a part of the southwest of England.
Industry VelikobritaniiPromyshlennost of the Great Britain gives 1/3 total national products, on it it is necessary all 1/3 occupied. It uses basically imported raw materials, and more and more is guided by a foreign market. On the one hand, for the Great Britain fast growth of the modern branches using the progressive "know-how" and the organisation of work, the newest equipment and perfect management methods, with another - backlog of old traditional branches is characteristic.
Process of concentration of manufacture in the industry of the Great Britain has led to creation in many branches, especially modern, largest associations of industrialists. The small number of the huge companies supervises in them practically all manufacture. The largest industrial monopolies of the country - «Imperial Kemikal Indastriz», or IKI, «Junilever», «British Leiland» and «Jeneral the Electrician kompani» in which it is occupied on 200 thousand persons.
The basic part of the industrial enterprises of the Great Britain is concentrated in the densely populated industrial belt including counties from London to Lancashire and from Western Iorkshir to Gloucestershire. The largest industrial regions outside of this belt - the Southern Wales, the northeast of England and the central part of Scotland.
In areas where old manufactures and traditional branches developed, became lagging behind or depressive. It is the most part of Scotland, Northern Ireland, all Wales, the extreme northeast and a part of the southwest of England.
The British government aspires to carry out regional to the policy, directed, on the one hand, on some restraint of concentration of the population and the industry in excessively expanded konurbaciah, and with another - on assistance to lifting of old industrial regions with the big share of the traditional branches, worrying decline. For attraction in lagging behind areas of industrial firms the state credits, concessionary terms of rent of industrial buildings, payments of taxes etc. are given to businessmen
All these measures have a little reduced territorial concentration of the industry.
However as a whole the regional policy has not brought expected results because of the essence of spontaneous capitalist manufacture. Economic difficulties in lagging behind areas remained basically former. The regional policy cannot solve sharp social problems of lagging behind areas, and, first of all, to reduce unemployment.
Petroleum industry
In the British sector of the North Sea 133 oil fields with the reconnoitered stocks of 2 billion т and taken - 0,7 billion т are known, that makes about 1/3 stocks of a shelf. Extraction is conducted on fifty deposits, from which largest - Brent, Фортис. In 2003 it has made 106 million т, from them over half has gone for export - mainly to the USA, Germany, the Netherlands. Large import of oil (to 50 million) remains also, that is connected with prevalence of easy fractions in North Sea oil and technological features British NPZ, calculated on heavier oil.
As to the British petroleum-refining industry it for the present depends on import of crude oil and mineral oil.
In the country operates 9 NPZwith the general capacity about 90 million т in a year (in 1999 it was closed NPZ companies "Shells" in the Shell-hejvene by capacity of 4,3 million т in a year). They are located in a mouth of Thames, in Foli near Southampton, in the southern Wales, at Manchester ship canal, in Тиссайде, Humberside and in Scotland (Greijmute).
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Сферы - промышленность, ритейл, производственные компании, стартапы, финансы и другие направления.
Языки программирования: Java, PHP, Ruby, C++, .NET, Python, Go, Kotlin, Swift, React Native, Flutter и многие другие.
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