О проекте
Обучение и курсы
Гуманитарные предметы
Иностранные языки
Английский язык
Белорусский торгово-экономический университет потребительской кооперации (БТЭУ ПК)
Конспекты лекций
The basic industrial centres of Great Britain. The industry of the Great Britain gives approximately 36 % of GNP, on it it is necessary more than 35 % of all occupied
The structure of an industrial complex is presented by mechanical engineering and metal working, the chemical and petrochemical industry, electric power industry
Dishes of the country Spain. Life of Spaniards at first sight one continuous holiday, especially these people in a condition to unite work with rest
Higher educational institutions. A Brief History of University. Structure of the Oxford University. Staff of the University
The industry of Belarus. Development of the factory industry was considerably accelerated. Reforms of 1861 industrial growth were slowed down