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Учреждение образования
«Белорусский торгово-экономический
Университет потребительской кооперации»
Кафедра иностранных языков
Управляемая самостоятельная работа
Реферат на тему:
«Промышленность Беларуси»
(«The industry of Belarus »)
Студент гр.С- 11
Гомель 2011
производственные предприятия и объединения специализируются на производстве
калийных, азотных и фосфорных удобрений (ПО "Беларуськалий",
"Азот", Гомельский химический завод), химических волокон и нитей
(могилевское, гродненское, светлогорское производственные объединения
"Химволокно"), полиэтилена высокого давления, акриловых волокон и
продуктов органического синтеза (ПО "Полимер"), шин для грузовых,
легковых и сельскохозяйственных машин (Белорусский шинный комбинат), которые
производят 82,6 % продукции всей химической и нефтехимической промышленности. В
страны дальнего зарубежья экспортируется более 60 % калийных удобрений,
химических волокон и нитей. Значительное место в структуре
экономики Беларуси занимает легкая промышленность.
In 60 - 90th of ХIХв. The industry of Belarus has kept the specialisation
On processing mainly local mineral, flatter and
Agricultural raw materials Throughout first two decades after
Reforms of 1861 industrial growth were slowed down. Still on all
To indicators the small-scale production and a manufactory prevailed. In 80-90th
Development of the factory industry was considerably accelerated
Belarus, however together with factories and factories continued to grow small and
Manufactory manufacture. For last decade last century
The mid-annual gain of an industrial output averaged 8,2 %, that
Twice more than for №) previous years.
In 1860 in Belarus was 29 thousand craft workshops 7,8
Thousand nonmechanized small enterprises (with quantity of workers to 16
The person), 140 manufactories and 76 factories and factories. The most part of the craft
Manufactures of Belarus was koncentraishan in cities and places. For
Four пореформенных decades was the increase in its volume that was
It is caused first of all by demand of peasants backward and city
The population on subjects of daily consumption and service with which could not
To provide factories. Fast rates new kinds of craft developed Chemical, threw - and деревообрабатывающие, etc. In the end of ХIХ century
Was more than 50 thousand craft workshops, however their share in general
Industrial output has decreased for пореформенный period with 18,7
To 9,0 %. Usually masterful remeslenikov were small. In them worked
Owners with 2-3 hired workers, instead of it is rare and without them.
Small-scale production in the form of simple cooperation, in which in conditions
Developments of monetary relations were outgrown by craft, in 1860г. Made 9 % from
Total of the enterprises and 62 % of industrial production. However in
Communications with intensive increase manufactory - a manufacturing
Relative density of the small has decreased to 28,2 % in the end of ХIХ century
In second half ХIХ century was marked considerable growth manufactory
Manufactures. Its relative density during this period increase on volume
Manufactures with 7,2 to 15,1 % on quantity of the enterprises with 0,2 to 0,7 % in 1890
In Belarus 760 manufactories, including 193 worked
деревообрабатывающие, 185 silicate, 166 пищевкусовых, etc. Manufactories
Have put in pawn bases of growth of the factory industry, proletariat formation
And bourgeoisies.
Mechanical production in second half 19в. Developed most
Intensively. The quantity of factories and factories has increased in Belarus with 1860г. In
15 times also have made in the end 19в.1137. The manufacture volume on them has grown in 37
Time, quantity of workers - in 9раз. New factories have started to work: the match
And Borisov (1881) and Pinsk (1882), tobacco in Grodno (1862)
Paper in Добруше (1871), etc. In the end of ХIХ century notable becomes
Influence of the foreign capital, especially Prussian, on economy Grodno
Provinces. Rates of growth of volume of manufacture and quantity of the occupied hired
Workers in the manufactory and machine industry in 4-7 times exceeded
Respective indicators in the small.
Reforms of 60-90th years have considerably improved political and legal
Conditions for development of productive forces and capitalist relations.
Other indispensable condition of reorganisation of a national economy on the market
Relations there was a creation of a corresponding infrastructure - a complex
Economy ancillary industries (highway and railways,).
Railway building has begun in Belarus still at I. 1
November, 1862 movement by rail from Petersburg has been opened in
In 60th years railway building was accelerated. Widely
The private capital, including foreign was involved. The centre
To railway system there was Moscow. Special value had building
Roads from Moscow to Brest
Serfdom cancellation has caused short hitch in the industrial
Country development. Many branches, first of all metallurgical, should
To pass from forced labour to the civilian. But soon the industrial
Development has gone on the ascending. In the mid-sixties in Belarus it was observed
Business lifting.
The most considerable successes these years has reached the textile
Manufacture which then was leading branch the Byelorussian
The industries. For 20 пореформенных years consumption of cotton fabrics
Per capita in Belarus has doubled. This growth has been reached for the account
Replacement of homespun linen fabrics.
Considerable growth was observed in the food-processing industry, especially in
The sugar. Среднедушевое sugar consumption for the same years also has doubled
(To 2-uh kg a year in the early eighties). Sugar export has begun.
The national economy of Belarus gradually closed from the world
Economy, started to test fluctuations of its conjuncture. In 1873
Belorusian for the first time has mentioned world industrial crisis.
In the first пореформенное the 20 anniversary the cores were definitively generated
Industrial regions of Belarus
The textile industry prevailed.
national - национальный
industry - промышленность
economy - экономика
gradually - постепенно
capital - капитал
relations - отношения
railway - железная дорога
developments - события
monetary - денежно-кредитный
communications - коммуникации
increase - увеличение
manufactory - предприятие
agricultural - сельскохозяйственный
materials - материалы
production - производство
continued - длительный
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