The structure of an industrial complex is presented by mechanical engineering and metal working, the chemical and petrochemical industry, electric power industry

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Содержание работы

The structure of an industrial complex is presented by mechanical engineering and metal working, the chemical and petrochemical industry, electric power industry, easy and food branches. Basically these branches are focused on finished goods release. The industry of building materials, wood, деревообрабатывающая and food branches, as a rule, use local resources. The enterprises of mechanical engineering and metal working, the chemical and petrochemical industry, electric power industry, fuel and the light industry, integrated into economy of the countries  

Work on imported is material-raw and fuel and energy resources. The major structural component of a national economy of Belarus is the fuel and energy complex. It includes systems of extraction, transport, storage, manufacture and distribution of all kinds of energy carriers. On a thermal power station share 32,4 % of all capital investments in the industry, the sixth part of the basic production assets, 15,3 % of all industrial output are necessary.

Kernel of a fuel and energy complex is the electric power industry which totals 22 large power stations total capacity of 7,3 million in kw.

The fuel industry of Belarus is presented by the enterprises for extraction and oil refining and peat among which the largest oil refining enterprises dominate. Their capacities allow to process recently about 25 million tons of oil annually.

The machine-tool industry includes the enterprises and the organisations making the process equipment - metal-cutting and деревообрабатывающие machine tools, forge-pressovye cars, automatic transfer lines for metal working and the assemblages processing the centres, industrial equipment and the tool.

The machine-building complex of the country consists from 34 подотраслей including over 600 enterprises. The greatest relative density is occupied with motor industry where last years new kinds of cars MAZ are created, БелАЗ, the nomenclature of models under the concrete customer is expanded, capacities on manufacture малотоннажных cars are modernised, manufacture of buses and cars is created.

The chemical and petrochemical industry makes more than 14,5 % of all industrial output. It is one of industries which now not bad enough develops. At 77 enterprises consisting on independent balance, it is occupied about 9,5 % of the industrial and production personnel. Production assets in cost of the basic industrial-industrial funds (ОППФ) the industries make 21,7 %.

The largest industrial enterprises and associations specialise on manufacture of potash, nitric and phosphoric fertilizers (ON "Беларуськалий", "Nitrogen", the Gomel chemical plant), chemical fibres and threads (the Mogilyov, Grodno, Svetlogorsk production associations "Man-made fiber"), high pressure polyethylene, акриловых fibres and products of organic synthesis (ON "Polymer"), tyres for cargo, automobile and agricultural cars (Belarus шинный combine) which make 82,6 % of production of all chemical and petrochemical industry.

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Сферы - промышленность, ритейл, производственные компании, стартапы, финансы и другие направления.

Языки программирования: Java, PHP, Ruby, C++, .NET, Python, Go, Kotlin, Swift, React Native, Flutter и многие другие.

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