In the British zone of the North Sea it is revealed more than 80 gas deposits with the reconnoitered stocks of 2 bln. м3 and taken - 0,8 bln. м3. The Gas production on them has begun in the mid-sixties, 37 deposits are now maintained, 1/2 extractions give 7, among them - Leman-Benk, Brent, Morkam. The extraction volume for 1990-2003 has increased with And to 103 млрд м3. Foreign trade in gas is insignificant; in 2003 its export has made 15, and import - 8 mlrd м3. On the gas pipeline laid at the bottom of the North Sea gas reaches east coast of island Great Britain in area Isingtona and Iorkshir.
The gas industry
In the British zone of the North Sea it is revealed more than 80 gas deposits with the reconnoitered stocks of 2 bln. м3 and taken - 0,8 bln. м3. The Gas production on them has begun in the mid-sixties, 37 deposits are now maintained, 1/2 extractions give 7, among them - Leman-Benk, Brent, Моркэм. The extraction volume for 1990-2003 has increased with And to 103 млрд м3. Foreign trade in gas is insignificant; in 2003 its export has made 15, and import - 8 млрд м3. On the gas pipeline laid at the bottom of the North Sea gas reaches east coast of island Great Britain in area Isingtona and Iorkshir.
Working out of iron ore is conducted in rather narrow belt which begins at the city of Skantorpa in Iorkshir in the north and lasts through all East Midland to the city of Banberi in the south. Ore here poor quality, kremnezeminska also contains only 33 % of metal. The requirement for iron ore becomes covered at the expense of import from Canada, Liberia and Mauritania.
The big development was received by ferrous metallurgy. To the beginning of 70th years the volume of manufacture of a steel has made about 30 million т, further with introduction of quotas on ferrous metals in EU it was reduced more than in 2 times - to 13,5 million т in 2001 (the Great Britain is not included into ten the largest manufacturers of a steel.) in second half 80th years in branches technical modernisation has been spent, and now 75 % of a steel are melted oxygen-konverternym by way.
For today the Great Britain takes the eighth place in the world on pig-iron and steel melt. The state corporation «British stil» makes almost all steel for the country. It is necessary to notice, that metallurgy of the Great Britain developed in favorable conditions. The country is rich with coal. Iron ore was contained often by coal layers, or it was extracted nearby. The third component necessary for metallurgy - limestones are available on British isles almost everywhere. Coal basins near to which the metallurgical centres developed, are located rather nearby from each other and from the largest seaports of the country that facilitates delivery from other areas of the country and from foreign countries of missing raw materials and finished goods export.
4 metallurgical areas from which only one is in the country centre (Sheffield-Rotherham with its specialisation on a qualitative steel and an electrosteel), the others - at coast in ports (in the Southern Wales - Port-tolbot, Llanver, in Hambersaj-de - Skandrop, in Tisaid - Redkart) have remained.
The electrical engineer concerns growing and developing manufactures, it takes the second place among manufacturing industry branches on number of the occupied. Very large companies dominate in the electrical engineer some: «Jeneral the electrician», «the English the electrician» and «Assoshieited alektrikal indastris». Positions of the Great Britain in manufacture of turbines and electric motors are still enough strong. But dominating positions are occupied nowadays with electronics. Computer facilities manufacture most dynamically develops, but the main positions are occupied here with the American capital, and in manufacture of household electronics - Japanese. The British firms are traditionally strong in manufacture of the radio-electronic equipment (a radar, radio transmitters) and a communication facility.
Промышленные районы Великобритании можно сгруппировать по особенностям специализации. Самым мощным промышленным районом с развитым портовым хозяйством является Южная Англия. Здесь размещены мощная агломерация - Большой Лондон, всемирно известные университетские центры Оксфорд и Кембридж, а на побережье - курортные города. Индустриально-аграрной является западная часть этого района с промышленным узлом Бристоль. В центральной Англии сложились индустриальные районы — Мидленд (Бирмингем), Йоркшир (Лидс) и Ланкашир (Манчестер). Индустриально-аграрный район - Северная Англия (Ньюкасл), Уэльс, Шотландия, Северная Ирландия - национальные окраины, которые переживают сложную экономическую проблему -проблему занятости. В Уэльсе на базе каменноугольного бассейна работает металлургическая промышленность, сельское хозяйство специализируется на разведении крупного рогатого скота и овец. Шотландия имеет судостроение, металлургические заводы, текстильную и электротехническую промышленность (Глазго). Северная Ирландия (Белфаст) - аграрный район Великобритании. На ее территории бытует острая социальная проблема - противостояние католиков и протестантов. Здесь самые низкие показатели экономического развития. В Северной Ирландии наибольшая в стране занятость в сельском хозяйстве и самый высокий уровень безработицы.
Power - власть
Industry - промышленность
Regions - области
Enterprises - предприятия
Manufactures - изготовления
Monopolies - монополии
Country - страна
Products - продукты
Corporation - корпорация
Metallurgical - металлургический
Populated - населенный
Million – миллион
Chemical – химический
Arriving – прибытие
Zirconium – цирконий
Copper – медь
Branch – ветвь
Nonferrous – цветной
Anhydrite – anhydrite
Artificial – искусственный
Function – функция
Engineering - разработка
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