Finally, we emphasize that the degree of smoothness for trend estimation should be chosen by the user at the outset. In fact, we recommend to choose the percentage of smoothness on the basis of expert judgment. As the method is mainly designed to enhance comparability of trends we suggest carrying out a pilot study of the series to be smoothed (e.g. a group of interest rates). Thus, by visual inspection of the trends in the study group, we can fix an appropriate percentage and apply that value to all the series in that category. Even for just one series, say an intraday series, the idea is to calculate the trend for that series each and every day, with the same percentage of smoothness, no matter what that percentage is. Once the percentage of smoothness has been decided, the resulting trends for different time series of the same length and frequency of observation or for the same series with different lengths can be compared appropriately.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the constructive comments and suggestions provided by two anonymous referees. V. M. Guerrero thanks Asociacion Mexicana de Cultura, A. C. for providing him support´ through a Professorship on Time Series Analysis and Forecasting in Econometrics.
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