test suggests that the past own directions
are useful in predicting future directions of exchange rate changes. This might
be due to directional clustering, implying that an autologistic model of
direction indicators may have some predictive ability for future directions.
Nevertheless, the significance of separate inference tests MZY1,l does not necessarily imply
that a simple polynomial model inwill
forecast the direction of exchange rate changes well, particularly in an
out-of-sample context (see Hong and Lee, 2006, for an out-of-sample forecasting
exercise for foreign exchange rates). A high-order polynomial model may not be
robust to outliers in a time series context, and foreign exchange returns may
have a more subtle nonlinear dynamics, although the powers of lagged variable Ytj have predictable
ability. For example, a significant directional dependence on Y2tj may be due to a
bilinear or nonlinear moving average-type structure. Obviously, a comprehensive
investigation of modeling and forecasting the nonlinear dynamics in foreign
exchange rates is needed, but this is beyond the scope of the present paper.
We now turn to examining whether directional predictability
of individual currency returns can be explained by interest rate differentials.
Table III reports the test statistics MZID1,l for l D 0,1,2,3,4
and MZZID1,0. The omnibus test MZID1,0 checks whether interest rate differentials can be
used to forecast the directions of individual currency returns, and various
derivative tests MZID1,l for l D 1,2,3,4 examine specific types of cross-dependence
between Zt and
> 0g. Finally, the MZZID 1,0 statistic checks whether EZtjZID,t EZt for all j > 0; namely it checks
whether the direction of past interest rate differentials can be used to
predict the direction of future returns in foreign exchange markets. As
indicated in MZID1,0, there exists strong
evidence of directional predictability using interest rate differentials,
except for the positive direction of FJY and the negative direction of JY. The MZID1,0 test also suggests that the directions of the
returns with large thresholds c D
0.5,1 are much easier to predict than those with zero
threshold using interest rate differentials, although the value of MZID1,0 is not monotonically increasing in threshold c. These results provide
considerable empirical support for the idea that interest rate differentials
are a useful predictor for the directions of future foreign exchange rate
Next, MZID1,1 shows strong evidence that the direction of
individual currency returns is predictable using the level of interest rate
differentials. Interestingly, in many cases the descriptive pattern of the
statistical significance in the MZID1,1 test closely resembles that in the M test. For example, the values
of MZID1,0 and MZID1,1 for AD and FAD exhibit a \-shape function of c for the negative directions.
On the other hand, those of FCD exhibit a [-shape function of c for positive directions, and
are monotonically decreasing in threshold c
for negative directions. Since this pattern similarity associated with MZID1,0 is not found for the remaining GCS tests, it
appears that a deriving source for directional predictability using interest
rate differentials may be the time-varying conditional mean of interest rate
differentials. This is consistent with Lothian and Wu’s (2003) finding that the
level of interest rate differentials plays an important role in explaining
predictability of exchange rate movements. They point out that large interest
rate differentials have much stronger forecasting power of foreign exchange
rates than small interest rate differentials (see also Flood and Rose, 2002;
Huisman et al., 1998).
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